


Oda version history

‹ General Info
Updated 2 years ago
Changelog The world’s a bit weird right now, isn’t it? Maybe a bit more stressful than usual. Let’s all remember to treat each other with kindness and appreciate the good things, however small. Except bugs. Those are bad. We got rid of some of those in this release. Hey, that’s a small, good thing too, right? Yay!
Version 4.0.5
Updated 2 years ago
Changelog The world’s a bit weird right now, isn’t it? Maybe a bit more stressful than usual. Let’s all remember to treat each other with kindness and appreciate the good things, however small. Except bugs. Those are bad. We got rid of some of those in this release. Hey, that’s a small, good thing too, right? Yay!
Version 4.0.4
Updated 2 years ago
Changelog The world’s a bit weird right now, isn’t it? Maybe a bit more stressful than usual. Let’s all remember to treat each other with kindness and appreciate the good things, however small. Except bugs. Those are bad. We got rid of some of those in this release. Hey, that’s a small, good thing too, right? Yay!
Version 4.0.3
Updated 2 years ago
Changelog The world’s a bit weird right now, isn’t it? Maybe a bit more stressful than usual. Let’s all remember to treat each other with kindness and appreciate the good things, however small. Except bugs. Those are bad. We got rid of some of those in this release. Hey, that’s a small, good thing too, right? Yay!
Updated 2 years ago
Changelog It’s new feature time! Have you ever found an exciting new product that you just know you’re going to buy again? Well we’ve added a button that’ll let you add it straight to your favorite shopping list from the product page! We’ve also added a delete button to unavailable products in your cart. Finnish users will get clear information about goods that can’t be delivered to young ’uns, and everyone will see a longer description under product availability.
Updated 2 years ago
Changelog Now that we’re an *ahem* International Company (I just love being able to say that!), we’re working hard on getting localization right. What’s localization? Well, that’s fancy talk for making sure your experience feels right for your country. This release is full of those kinds of fixes and improvements, just like your fridge will be full of food after you order with us, and your belly will be full of deliciousness after you eat it.
Updated 2 years ago
Changelog Now that we’re an *ahem* International Company (I just love being able to say that!), we’re working hard on getting localization right. What’s localization? Well, that’s fancy talk for making sure your experience feels right for your country. This release is full of those kinds of fixes and improvements, just like your fridge will be full of food after you order with us, and your belly will be full of deliciousness after you eat it.
Updated 2 years ago
Changelog Now that we’re an *ahem* International Company (I just love being able to say that!), we’re working hard on getting localization right. What’s localization? Well, that’s fancy talk for making sure your experience feels right for your country. This release is full of those kinds of fixes and improvements, just like your fridge will be full of food after you order with us, and your belly will be full of deliciousness after you eat it.
Version 4.0.0
Updated 2 years ago
Version 3.0.19
Updated 2 years ago
Changelog Happy new year...and version! We’ve been working hard during space-Christmas (why is there no English word for “romjul”?) because apparently bugs don’t just lie around eating cheese and watching Seinfeld reruns during the holidays like some. And now it’s time to dust off the cheese crumbs and set our sights on Germany!