


Oda version history

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Version 4.1.1
Updated 1 year ago
Changelog Here’s a quiet little update with some subtle color changes, a tweak here, a fix there, and a new button to view all the recipes in a group. You could say it fits with the time of year. The leaves will be changing colors soon, and we’ll all be buttoning up for autumn. You can almost smell the woodsmoke in the air. Mmm, cozy.
Version 4.1.0 (2 variants)
Updated 1 year ago
Changelog Groceries don’t take summer holidays and neither does our love of delivering! In this update, we’re bringing you the ability to sort your cart into categories or collections (collections being recipes and shopping lists and so on). You’ll also see some new buttons and colors, new icons, some handy new tips, and if you look closely you’ll see a new shadow effect behind our cards. So shady!
Version 4.0.12
Updated 1 year ago
Changelog The world's a bit weird right now, isn't it? Maybe a bit more stressful than usual. Let's all remember to treat each other with kindness and appreciate the good things, however small. Except bugs. Those are bad. We got rid of some of those in this release. Hey, that's a small, good thing too, right? Yay! Have a wonderful summer!
Version 4.0.11
Updated 1 year ago
Changelog In this update, we’ve made the deposit you pay on returnable bottles in a more obvious place. Speaking of bottle deposits, did you know we can take your refundable bottles with us when we deliver? You can find out how it works in the app. Besides that, we’ve fixed a bug in the survey, fixed some deep links, and removed a translation that just didn’t need to be there. Not in a mean way or anything. We just told it to go on home and enjoy its summer. We hope you have a great summer too!
Version 4.0.10 (2 variants)
Updated 2 years ago
Changelog No time to chat! Big list of updates to share. Go!
- New login experience
- Reset your password in the app
- The cart now has its own page
- Fixed linking to recipe categories
- Added a pricing tip to portions in recipes and changed the default tab from instructions to ingredients for Finnish customers
- Accessibility improvements
- Improved the “invite a friend” link
- More than one promotion on products
- A whole lotta improvements and bug fixes
Phew! Made it with 6 characters to sp -
Version 4.0.9
Updated 2 years ago
Changelog In this update, we made changes that most of you will never even notice, but we promise they’re doing good things. Think of it like all the good things fresh fruit and veggies do for your body! And as always, we’ve squashed some bugs in this update too.
Version 4.0.8 (2 variants)
Updated 2 years ago
Changelog In this update, we made changes that most of you will never even notice, but we promise they’re doing good things. Think of it like all the good things fresh fruit and veggies do for your body! And as always, we’ve squashed some bugs in this update too.
Version 4.0.7
Updated 2 years ago
Changelog It’s nice to feel validated, so in this update we’ve made it easy to resend the email that will help you verify your account. We’ve also added some new product detail pills (those rounded text label thingies) and done some tuning up under the hood.
Version 4.0.6
Updated 2 years ago
Changelog Spring is finally springing here in the north, which means the trees and flowers are waking up - and so are the bugs! You don’t have to worry about bugs in your Oda app, though - we’re flicking them away like ants off a picnic blanket. We’ve also done some tuning up under the hood so you can enjoy a smooth, bug-free picnic of your own. Don’t forget the sunscreen!
Updated 2 years ago
Changelog The world’s a bit weird right now, isn’t it? Maybe a bit more stressful than usual. Let’s all remember to treat each other with kindness and appreciate the good things, however small. Except bugs. Those are bad. We got rid of some of those in this release. Hey, that’s a small, good thing too, right? Yay!