

Yummly Recipes & Cooking Tools

Yummly Recipes & Cooking Tools version history

‹ General Info
Updated 6 years ago
Updated 6 years ago
Updated 6 years ago
Changelog Performance improvements + a Yum tip: Spring clean your spices! Ground spices get stale quickly, so give them a whiff. If they don't smell like anything, they won't taste like anything in your cooking.
Version 1.9.5 (2 variants)
Updated 6 years ago
Changelog Performance improvements + a Yum tip: Spring clean your spices! Ground spices get stale quickly, so give them a whiff. If they don't smell like anything, they won't taste like anything in your cooking.
Version 1.9.4
Updated 6 years ago
Changelog Performance improvements + a Yum tip: Spring clean your spices! Ground spices get stale quickly, so give them a whiff. If they don't smell like anything, they won't taste like anything in your cooking.
Version 1.9.3
Updated 6 years ago
Changelog Performance improvements + a Yum tip: Spring clean your spices! Ground spices get stale quickly, so give them a whiff. If they don't smell like anything, they won't taste like anything in your cooking.
Version 1.9.2
Updated 6 years ago
Changelog Performance improvements + a Yum tip: Spring clean your spices! Ground spices get stale quickly, so give them a whiff. If they don't smell like anything, they won't taste like anything in your cooking.
Version 1.9.1
Updated 7 years ago
Changelog Performance improvements + a Yum tip: Spring clean your spices! Ground spices get stale quickly, so give them a whiff. If they don't smell like anything, they won't taste like anything in your cooking.
Version 1.9.0
Updated 7 years ago
Changelog Ingredients delivered to your doorstep in an hour!
Instacart grocery delivery is now integrated in the Yummly app! Simply add ingredients to your shopping list, tap to shop them from Instacart, and have your groceries hand delivered to your door in an hour. You can also shop the ingredients directly from any Yummly recipe in one click. Meal planning just got so much easier...
Version 1.8.1
Updated 7 years ago
Changelog Browse on fleek! Use the new Explore and Store tabs to browse all sorts of delicious recipe categories and handy kitchen gadgets.