

WebDAV plugin-Total Commander

WebDAV plugin-Total Commander version history

‹ General Info
Version 3.70
Updated 2 months ago
Changelog 3.70:
- Could not rename folders on NGINX and Apache WebDAV servers
- Could not create new folders on NGINX servers
Version 3.60
Updated 4 months ago
Changelog 3.60:
- Fixed problems editing connections on Android 14
Version 3.50
Updated 1 year ago
Changelog 3.50: Support for Android 13
3.01: Upload failed to servers not supporting 100-continue
3.00: Support servers returning 2 slashes in path, e.g. path//filename
3.00: Now uses OkHttp client instead of discontinued ApacheClient. The old client can still be chosen in case of problems.
2.21: When overwriting virtual file, it wasn't truncated if the copied file was smaller
Version 3.01 (3 variants)
Updated 2 years ago
Changelog 3.01: Upload failed to servers not supporting 100-continue
3.00: Support servers returning 2 slashes in path, e.g. path//filename
3.00: Now uses OkHttp client instead of discontinued ApacheClient. The old client can still be chosen in case of problems.
2.21: When overwriting virtual file, it wasn't truncated if the copied file was smaller
2.20: permanent notification during connections to keep connections alive
Version 2.21
Updated 3 years ago
Changelog 2.21: When overwriting virtual file, it wasn't truncated if the copied file was smaller
2.20: permanent notification during connections to keep connections alive
2.11: Failed to connect to NWebDAV based server
2.10: Failed to connect to Nextcloud server (cookie problem)
2.09: Enable TLS v1.1 and v1.2
Support SNI (Server Name Indication) on Android 4.2 or newer
Requires Android 2.3. For older see our homepage
2.08: Fix flickering bug in landscape mode
Version 2.20
Updated 4 years ago
Changelog 2.20:
Permanente Android-Benachrichtigung, um Verbindung am Leben zu erhalten
Keine Verbindung zu NWebDAV-basierten Servern
Nextcloud-Verbindungsprobleme behoben
Unterstützung von TLS v1.1 und v1.2
SNI (Server Name Indication)-Unterstützung auf Android >=4.2
Benötigt Android 2.3. Für ältere siehe unsere Homepage
Flackern von Dialogen im Landscape-Modus
Anmeldung mit Benutzerzertifikat (.p12-Format, z.B. aus Firefox)
Streaming wenn Passwort nicht gespeichert
Version 2.11
Updated 7 years ago
Changelog 2.11:
Failed to connect to NWebDAV based server
Failed to connect to Nextcloud server (cookie problem)
Enable TLS v1.1 and v1.2
Support SNI (Server Name Indication) on Android 4.2 or newer
Requires Android 2.3. For older see our homepage
Fix flickering bug in landscape mode
Client certificate authentication (.p12 format, e.g. exported from Firefox)
Streaming also when password not stored, bugfixes
Support for digest auth.
Support for Microsoft IIS
Version 2.10
Updated 7 years ago
Version 2.09
Updated 8 years ago
Version 2.08
Updated 8 years ago