

The Simpsons™: Tapped Out

The Simpsons™: Tapped Out version history

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Version 4.46.5
Updated 3 years ago
Changelog The Simpsons managed to escape Hell and Old Scratch's wrath by proving that living with them is a fate worse than eternal damnation. What will the demons get up to now that they've found a home-away-from-home in Springfield, but no open positions at the DMV? Keep playing to find out!
Version 4.46.0
Updated 3 years ago
Changelog When it comes to education - the devil is in the details - quite literally! Bart gets re-zoned to Hellementary School! And the Springfield schools get some… interesting… transfer students. Old Scratch, the devil himself, comes to put the barter back in charter school, but will you trade your soul for an elementary school education? Can the Simpsons out-bargain the Prince of Darkness? Or will an eternity of damnation be their fate?
Version 4.45.5
Updated 3 years ago
Changelog Milhouse's cousin Annika comes to town and upsets the natural order of the playground - now up is down, 2 + 2 = Fudge, and Milhouse is COOL?! Bart must restore balance to the schoolyard and take Milhouse down a few pegs (a job usually done by Milhouse himself). Will the other kids see Milhouse for the dweeb he is? Will Bart finally prove that dating your cousin is a bad idea? Honestly, we thought the severely inbred Royal House of Hapsburgs proved that one already…
Version 4.45.0
Updated 3 years ago
Changelog Milhouse's cousin Annika comes to town and upsets the natural order of the playground - now up is down, 2 + 2 = Fudge, and Milhouse is COOL?! Bart must restore balance to the schoolyard and take Milhouse down a few pegs (a job usually done by Milhouse himself). Will the other kids see Milhouse for the dweeb he is? Will Bart finally prove that dating your cousin is a bad idea? Honestly, we thought the severely inbred Royal House of Hapsburgs proved that one already…
Version 4.44.5
Updated 3 years ago
Changelog The Game Master has been unseated by the Evergreen Terrors and sent back to the evil hard drive from whence he came! Who knows what won the day - maybe their dubstepping, or their pirate lingo, or their space gymnastics, or their one competent adult Professor Frink… It’s a mystery for the ages! So what’s next for the town of Springfield? We’ll tell you once the idea wizard we keep in the basement of EA tells us! Oops, we’ve said too much already.
Version 4.44.0
Updated 3 years ago
Changelog Saca brillo a tu teclado, ponte la muñequera y pide una pizza familiar: ¡el Maestro del juego ha llegado a Springfield! ¡Y este personaje misterioso es una amenaza para la existencia de la ciudad!  Será este el Game Over de los Simpson? ¡ O los Terrores de Evergreen desbaratarán sus planes?!  Debería Springfield dejar de poner sus sueños y esperanzas en unos pobres niños? La respuesta a esa última es: ¡puede que sí!
Version 4.43.5
Updated 4 years ago
Changelog El Sr. Burns se hace con su propio pan y circo comprando el viejo circuito de lucha libre profesional, pero descubre que su archienemigo (el que está más vivo de todos), Aristóteles Amadopolis, está detrás de la creciente Springfield Elite Wrestling. Volarán codazos y egos (lo que viene siendo el estado general del Sr. Burns) cuando los luchadores salten al cuadrilátero. ¡Actualiza ahora y descubre quién gana!
Version 4.43.1
Updated 4 years ago
Changelog Mr. Burns gets his very own bread and circuses by buying the old professional wrestling circuit only to discover his archenemy, well, his most alive archenemy, Aristotle Amadopolis is behind the new upstart Springfield Elite Wrestling. Elbows and egos will fly (although for Mr. Burns, that’s just a medical condition) as wrestlers hit the ring. Update now to find out who wins!
Version 4.42.5
Updated 4 years ago
Changelog Springfield has been broke, a joke, and once all the residents simultaneously choked, but never before have they been woke. Thanks Mayor Quimby! Oh, and also all the people who shared their stories. What’s next for Springfield? A drone war? A pecan pie fight? A love affair between a lowly copywriter and the sexy accountant down the hall? Oh wait, these are just entries in my dream journal. Who knows what’s next for the Simpsons, but be sure to update to find out!
Version 4.42.0
Updated 4 years ago
Changelog To avoid being canceled, Mayor Quimby gonna do what he does best - PANDER! Celebrate Black History Month with Dr. Hibbert, Carl, & Lou.