

Texpand: Text Expander

Texpand: Text Expander version history

‹ General Info
Version 1.3.4
Updated 8 years ago
Version 1.8.7
Updated 6 years ago
Changelog v 1.8.7:
?Fixed issue where overlay UI may disappear quickly in some cases
? [Oreo Only] fixed issue where phrases can't be opened with their appropriate app
? Fixed issue with Text Input Assitant clipboard history wasn't deleting older items properly
⠐️ Improved setting explanations
Version 1.8.6
Updated 6 years ago
Changelog v 1.8.6:
? Fixed issue where overlay UI remains on screen awkwardly for indefinite time, now it's removed after 5 seconds

⠐️ Smart case can now be applied to phrases that has "expand within words" option enabled but only if they are added at the start of a word
Version 1.8.5
Updated 6 years ago
Changelog v 1.8.5:
? Oops! Fixed Text Input Assistant not collecting clipboard history in v 1.8.4
v 1.8.4:
? **IMPORTANT**: you need to add quick settings tile to launch Text Input Assistant. Notification has been removed, long live quick setting tiles.
? Accessibility button is back! Due to what seems a bug in Android it can't be easily disabled you may need to restart your device. If you have had accessibility button enabled in previous version you will have to enable it again.
Version 1.8.4
Updated 6 years ago
Changelog v 1.8.4:
? **IMPORTANT**: you need to add quick settings tile to launch Text Input Assistant. Notification has been removed, long live quick setting tiles.
? Accessibility button is back! Due to what seems a bug in Android it can't be easily disabled you may need to restart your device. If you have had accessibility button enabled in previous version you will have to enable it again.
? Fixed issues with "expands within words" option
? Fixed search crashes in Android 6.0
Version 1.8.3
Updated 6 years ago
Changelog v1.8.3:
? Removed accessibility shortcut to Text Input Assistant to comply with deceptive device change settings policy
⠐️ Suggestion search works with any text that appears within shortcuts


Oreo additions:

? In-line overlay UI
? Launch your phrases directly from in-line suggestion
? Adaptive icons

Text Input Assistant:
⠐️ Use Texpand phrases in G-mail, Google Chrome, Google Docs, Evernote and many others. Watch here
Version 1.8.2
Updated 6 years ago
Changelog v1.8.2:
? Removed notification icon and fixed a bug in Android 6.0 where settings couldn't be opened


Oreo additions:

? In-line overlay UI
? Launch your phrases directly from in-line suggestion
? Adaptive icons

Text Input Assistant:

⠐️ Use Texpand phrases in G-mail, Google Chrome, Google Docs, Evernote and many others. Watch here
⠐️ Includes a clipboard manager

⠐️ Numerous performance improvements, bug fixes and memory footprint optimizations
Version 2.3.6 - 9c20021
Updated 4 months ago
Changelog 💡Minor improvements, this update also adds new way to reach improved Texpand support
Version 2.3.5 - 7c161ea (2 variants)
Updated 4 months ago
Changelog 💡 Minor update, quality of life enhancements

👉 Latest expansion engine falls back to regular expansion incase of failure
👉 You can now manually drag overlay ui elements if they can't be placed correctly under the typed shortcut
Version 2.3.4 - 7e982b0
Updated 5 months ago
Changelog ✨ Fixes a bug where Texpand would crash when trying to see instructions that would allow Texpand to run without interruptions on your device

🔋 Introduced ignore battery optimization dialog prompt in situations where Texpand gets repeatedly killed in certain devices

🌐 Updated translation for recent features