

Suara Burung Ruak Ruak

Suara Burung Ruak Ruak APK

Suara Burung Ruak Ruak APK

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What's Suara Burung Ruak Ruak APK?

Suara Burung Ruak Ruak is a app for Android, It's developed by Inuk Corp author.
First released on google play in 6 years ago and latest version released in 6 years ago.
This app has 0 download times on Google play
This product is an app in Music & Audio category. More infomartion of Suara Burung Ruak Ruak on google play
Perawatan dan suara burung ruak ruak atau kareo padi

Suara burung ruak ruak dan tips perawatannya. Burung kareo padi (Amaurornis phoenicurus), atau sering disebut ruak ruak, sebenarnya tidak hanya dijumpai di Semenanjung Malaysia dan Pulau Sumatera bagian utara (Aceh dan Medan). Spesies ini juga dijumpai di seluruh wilayah Indonesia, kecuali Papua.
Burung kareo padi / ruak ruak (Amaurornis phoenicurus).

Kareo padi merupakan nama resmi yang telah disepakati para ornitholog (ahli burung) di Indonesia. Penggemar burung di Malaysia maupun di wilayah utara Sumatera kerap menyebutnya ruak ruak, atau wak wak.

Dari aspek suara, suara burung ruak ruak jelas tidak memenuhi persyaratan sebagai burung kicauan. Spesies ini lebih tepat dijadikan burung hias. Bahkan di Aceh, burung ini kerap diolah menjadi menu spesial.
Burung ruak ruak memiliki warna bulu gelap (abu-abu tua, kebiruan). Bagian wajah, leher, dan dada berwarna putih bersih. Bagian perut dan bawah ekor berwarna merah karat.

Kawanan burung ruak ruang sering terlihat di kawasan berair seperti sawah, payau, serta hamparan padang terbuka. Pakan utamanya serangga, meski menyukai pula buah-buahan khususnya pisang.

Panjang tubuhnya sekitar 32-33 cm, dengan tubuh tirus dan tegak, yang memudahkannya menyusup ke dalam rerimbunan semak serta daerah payau.
Burung ruak ruak
Tubuh burung ruak ruak tirus dan tegak.

Jari-jarinya panjang, dengan kaki berwarna kuning, atau kuning semu kehijauan. Paruh kekuningan, dan terkadang campur abu-abu. Pangkal paruh bagian atas berwarna pink, yang menjadi salah satu ciri khasnya. Ekornya pendek dan berwarna abu-abu kebiruan di bagian atas serta merah karat di bagian bawah.
Perawatan burung ruak ruak

Perawatan burung ruak ruak relatif mudah, karena merupakan unggas omnivora. Pakan hewani yang disukainya bukan hanya serangga, tetapi juga ikan-ikan berukuran kecil. Sebab di alam liar, ruak ruak sering berkubang dalam lumpur atau air berlumpur, sambil mencari ikan-ikan kecil.

Jadi, kalau ingin memelihara di rumah, pakan hidup seperti jangkrik, kroto, ulat hongkong, dan ikan kecil dapat diberikan secara berselang-seling. Sifat predatornya juga kentara, hampir sama ganasnya seperti cendet.

Karena merupakan unggas omnivora, ruak-ruak juga menyukai makanan berbasis tanaman, misalnya pakan bijian dan buah-buahan, khususnya pisang. Lebih baik lagi jika burung dilatih makan voer, agar perawatan lebih mudah.
burung ruak ruak
Burung ruak ruak makan pisang.

Kalau burung sudah mau makan voer, maka pakan hidup seperti jangkrik, kroto, ulat hongkong, serta ikan kecil berubah status menjadi pakan tambahan / extra fooding (EF).

Memelihara burung hias seperti ruak ruak lebih simpel ketimbang burung kicauan. Sepanjang diberi pakan secara kontinyu dan bergizi, serta ditopang multivitamin seperti BirdVit, burung akan tumbuh sehat dan aktif.

Suaranya, sekali lagi, memang tak bisa diharapkan. Apalagi burung ini dikenal sangat bising, bahkan selepas maghrib pun akan terus mengeluarkan suaranya yang terdengar “u-wak.. u-wak..”, atau tipe suara lain yang sama-sama jauh dari kriteria burung kicauan, he.. he..

Perilaku reproduksi burung ruak ruak

Selain dijadikan unggas hias nan eksotik, ruak ruak juga dapat dijadikan unggas konsumsi. Fungsinya tentu tidak jauh berbeda dari burung puyuh dan merpati pedaging.

Hanya saja, kalau ingin menjadikannya sebagai unggas konsumsi, mohon sumbernya bukan dari hasil tangkapan alam, melainkan usahakan dari hasil budidaya sendiri. Ini untuk menjaga kelestarian alam atau mencegah penurunan populasi burung ruak ruak di alam liar.

Induk betina bisa menghasilkan telur sebanyak 4-9 butir per periode peneluran atau clutch, dengan rerata sekitar 6-7 butir per clutch. Masa pengeraman hampir sama seperti ayam, yaitu 20 hari.

Bahkan anakan yang baru menetas pun memiliki karakter mirip ayam, yaitu begitu menetas langsung berdiri dan bisa keluar dari sarangnya. Meski demikian, induk betina dan induk jantan tetap merawat anakan hingga remaja. Care and the sound of birds loose loose or White-Breasted Waterhen

The sound of birds loose loose and maintenance tips. Birds White-Breasted Waterhen (amaurornis phoenicurus), or often called loose loose, is not only found in peninsular Malaysia and the northern part of the island of Sumatra (Aceh and Medan). This species is also found in all regions of Indonesia, except for Papua.
Bird White-Breasted Waterhen / loose loose (amaurornis phoenicurus).

White-Breasted Waterhen the official name of which has been agreed the ornitholog (ornithologist) in Indonesia. Bird enthusiasts in Malaysia as well as in the northern region of Sumatra often call it loose loose, or wak wak.

From the aspect of the sound, the sound of birds loose loose clearly does not qualify as a bird chirp. This species is more appropriately used as ornamental birds. Even in Aceh, this bird is often processed into special menu.
Birds have a loose loose dark coat color (dark gray, bluish). Parts of the face, neck, and chest clean white. Lower abdomen and rust-red tail.

Flocks of birds loose space is often seen in the area such as paddy watery, brackish, and expanse of open fields. Primarily feeding on insects, although also like fruits, especially bananas.

The body length of about 32-33 cm, with a tapered body and upright, which makes it easier to infiltrate into a grove of shrubs and brackish areas.
Bird loose loose
The bodies of birds loose loose tapered and straight.

Her fingers were long, with yellow legs, yellowish or greenish. Part yellowish, and sometimes mixed gray. The base of the upper beak pink, which became one of his trademark. Its tail is short and bluish-gray color on the top and red rust at the bottom.
Treatment of birds loose loose

Loose loose bird care is relatively easy, because it is an omnivorous bird. His favorite animal feed not only insects, but also small-sized fish. Because in the wild, loose loose often wallow in mud or muddy water, while looking for small fish.

So, if you want to maintain at home, live food such as crickets, Kroto, caterpillar hongkong, and small fish can be given alternately. Predatory nature too subtle, almost as ruthlessly as cendet.

Because the birds are omnivorous, loose-loose also loved the plant-based foods, such as feed grains and fruits, especially bananas. Better yet, if birds eat voer trained, so that maintenance easier.
bird loose loose
Loose loose birds eating bananas.

If birds have to eat voer, the live food such as crickets, Kroto, caterpillar hongkong, as well as small fish changed its status to feed additional / extra fooding (EF).

Maintaining ornamental birds such as loose loose more simple than the birds chirp. Throughout fed continuously and nourishing, as well supported as BirdVit multivitamins, the bird will grow up healthy and active.

Her voice, once again, it can not be expected. Moreover, this bird is known to be very noisy, even after Maghrib will continue to issue his voice "u-wak-wak .. u ..", or any other type of sound is equally distant from the criteria birds chirp, he .. he ..

Reproductive behavior of birds loose loose

In addition to be decorative exotic birds, loose loose also can be used as poultry consumption. Its function is certainly not much different from quail and pigeon meat.

However, if you want to make it as poultry consumption, please not come from natural catches, but try the results of their own culture. This is to preserve nature or prevent a decline in bird populations loose loose in the wild.

The mother could produce as many eggs 4-9 eggs per spawning period or clutch, with an average of about 6-7 eggs per clutch. Incubation period is almost the same as the chicken, which is 20 days.

Even newly hatched chicks also have a character similar to chicken, which once hatched immediately stood up and get out of the nest. However, the female parent and the male parent still caring for puppies up to teenagers.