

Spendee - Budget and Expense T

Spendee - Budget and Expense T version history

‹ General Info
Version 3.4.2
Updated 6 years ago
Version 3.4.1
Updated 6 years ago
Changelog - Line chart is back again
- Calculator keyboard when adding transactions
- Possibility to delete transaction in detail of transaction
- Scrolling when choosing categories is vertical again
- Information about your subscription plan in “Settings”.
- Possibility to easier upgrade from Plus plan to premium Plan from “Settings”
- New design of our icons that are bolder and more distinctive thus easier and more intuitive to use.
- Timeline renamed to Transactions
- Minor bug fixes and improvements
Version 3.3.0
Updated 6 years ago
Version 3.2.1
Updated 6 years ago
Changelog New features:

- Fingerprint authentication
- Improved notification center

Fixes and improvements
Version 3.2.0
Updated 6 years ago
Changelog New features:

- Fingerprint authentication
- Improved notification center

Fixes and improvements
Version 3.1.2
Updated 6 years ago
Changelog Fixes and improvements
Version 3.1.1
Updated 6 years ago
Changelog All users in shared manual wallets can edit categories
Fixes and improvements
Version 3.0.10
Updated 6 years ago
Changelog We bring you a big update this time!

Search: search your transactions by category, people, places, hashtags or notes

Hashtags: tag your transactions with #hashtags for easy search and filtering

Easier bank account synchronisation: store your bank credentials for easier and effortless bank account sync
- Swipe down to refresh your banking feed

New transaction detail: create new transactions and edit existing ones much more easily

New system of notifications and notification settings

Version 3.0.8 (2 variants)
Updated 6 years ago
Changelog We bring you a big update this time!

Search: search your transactions by category, people, places, hashtags or notes

Hashtags: tag your transactions with #hashtags for easy search and filtering

Easier bank account synchronisation: store your bank credentials for easier and effortless bank account sync
- Swipe down to refresh your banking feed

New transaction detail: create new transactions and edit existing ones much more easily

New system of notifications and notification settings
Version 3.0.7
Updated 6 years ago
Changelog Spendee Alpha testing version 3.0.5 - what to test:
- TRANSFERS - about 1/3 of your transactions will be marked as transfers (for testing purposes) - test the behaviour of such transactions - you shouldn't be able to edit these and you should be displayed a pop-up prompting you to download an update.
- CUSTOM BANK CATEGORIES - you can now edit categories in your wallet that is connected to your bank account, you can even create your own custom categories