

SNotes: Speech To Text

SNotes: Speech To Text version history

‹ General Info
Version 1.3.0
Updated 3 years ago
Changelog You are busy with the dictation and speech to notes. We're always busy making that experience even better.
Version 1.0.2
Updated 3 years ago
Changelog * Improve user experience and user interface.
Version 1.2.9
Updated 3 years ago
Changelog You are busy with the dictation and speech to notes. We're always busy making that experience even better.
Version 1.2.8
Updated 3 years ago
Changelog You are busy with the dictation and speech to notes. We're always busy making that experience even better.
Version 1.2.7
Updated 3 years ago
Changelog You are busy with the dictation and speech to notes. We're always busy making that experience even better.
Version 1.2.6
Updated 3 years ago
Changelog You are busy with the dictation and speech to notes. We're always busy making that experience even better.
Version 1.2.4
Updated 3 years ago
Changelog You are busy with the dictation and speech to notes. We're always busy making that experience even better.
Version 1.2.2
Updated 3 years ago
Changelog You are busy with the dictation and speech to notes, we're busy making that experience even better. Now we can enjoy the dark theme, change the font size.
Version 1.2.0
Updated 3 years ago
Changelog * تحسين تجربة المستخدم وواجهة المستخدم.
* أنت مجرد كلام وتطبيق تدوين الملاحظات.
* تصدير وطباعة ملف PDF من الملاحظة.
* تطوير الأداء.
Version 1.0
Updated 3 years ago
Changelog Speech to notes. You speech and app take note.