

Limeade ONE

Limeade ONE version history

‹ General Info
Version 3.26
Updated 6 years ago
Changelog Inline images on messages are now tappable: you can tap to zoom in.
Button text now aligns properly.
Supports localized channel names.
You can now filter by a person's name (tapping on it in the message header), to view all of their messages.
Addressed an issue with the web control and height when scrolling.
In chat:
URLs now supported
You don't need to enter your PIN again if you leave the app to attach a photo.
App shows read/sent indicators on messages.
Version 3.25.1
Updated 6 years ago
Version 3.25
Updated 6 years ago
Changelog The app now supports a channel filtering feature as part of search.
Linking directly to a card is now supported
Addressed an issue with the map control.
Version 3.24.1
Updated 6 years ago
Changelog Adjusted a Spanish translation for a chat error message to be correct.
Addressed an issue with image previews being "stuck" after you had posted them in a chat message.
Updated card count in the main stream to be 50 (instead of 25).
Fixed a bug where leaving a chat wouldn't remove it from your conversations list.
Version 3.23
Updated 6 years ago
Changelog You may now toggle notifications on/off for when you are mentioned in a card message.
In chat, you will see informational messages about who has left or been added to a conversation.
In chat, you can now mute conversations.
In chat, you can add images to your message posts.
In chat, you can see the display name of the person posting a message.
Addressed a crashing issue with bbcode links.