

Simple OSM Viewer

Simple OSM Viewer version history

‹ General Info
Version 1.4.3 20-08-08 (12 variants)
Updated 3 years ago
Changelog - feature: other apps can share location with Simple OSM Viewer
- layout update - zoom buttons enlarged and other buttons are placed in a more convenient way
- experimental feature - location compensation prevent drifting away on zooming - can be turned on settings
- improvement: persisting GPS status (on/off) after the app is called again (after closing / switching / screen rotation)
Version 1.3 20-07-01
Updated 3 years ago
Changelog - adding units selector in settings
- fixing some crashes
Version 1.2 20-04-19
Updated 3 years ago
Changelog - updating libraries versions
- introducing settings
- option to download maps via HTTP instead of standard HTTPS
- map icon indicates map source
Version 1.1
Updated 4 years ago
Changelog - Adding scale bar
- Indication of warmup GPS
- Animation for moving map to my location (zoom out - move - zoom in)
- Open market by clicking on Information-button
- Adding crosshair sight in the screen center
Version 1.7 23-02-09 (4 variants)
Updated 9 months ago
Changelog - adding experimental feature: display position outside of the screen
- adding experimental feature: keep screen on
Version 1.6 21-08-19 (11 variants)
Updated 2 years ago
Changelog - adding joints to measuring polyline
- back button exits measuring mode
- making background of scale bar overlay white in topo-mode to make it more visible
- adding hints to settings
Version 1.5.1 21-05-09 (4 variants)
Updated 2 years ago
Changelog - updating libraries versions
- small fixes: zoom animation and making "keep center on zoom" permanent