

SEAT Quiz&Learn

SEAT Quiz&Learn version history

‹ General Info
Version 1.22.15 (2 variants)
Updated 9 months ago
Changelog Performance improvements and bug fixes
Version 1.22.8
Updated 1 year ago
Changelog Bug fixes and performance improvements
Version 1.21.8
Updated 2 years ago
399 / 5000
Resultados de traducción
Updated notification system.
Follow users to keep up to date with their activity.
Indicate that you like content and comments.
Edit and delete comments.
Respond to comments and mention users.
Redesign of various sections.
Edit and delete posts.
Walls of social activity.
Quick actions on user and content lists.
Haptic feedback system.
Version 1.21.1
Updated 2 years ago
399 / 5000
Resultados de traducción
Updated notification system.
Follow users to keep up to date with their activity.
Indicate that you like content and comments.
Edit and delete comments.
Respond to comments and mention users.
Redesign of various sections.
Edit and delete posts.
Walls of social activity.
Quick actions on user and content lists.
Haptic feedback system.
Version 1.15.4
Updated 3 years ago
Changelog Encuentra compañeros con el nuevo Directorio Corporativo.
Ahora puedes compartir Documentación y Archivos en el Chat.
Recibe las novedades corporativas con los nuevos Canales de Comunicación.
Consultas, helpdesk, ayuda... todo a través del Chat de Soporte Multi-agente.
Nuevo tipo de documento ZIP.
Recibe Notificaciones Enriquecidas con enlace a documentos y contenidos.
Comparte Documentación de forma más sencilla y etiqueta tus contenidos.
Version 1.14.8
Updated 4 years ago
Version 1.13.14
Updated 4 years ago