

SoT Companion (Unofficial)

SoT Companion (Unofficial) version history

‹ General Info
Updated 2 years ago

Aye, me hearties! Now that we pirates can create our own buried treasure maps, we've also been able to chart 4 more islands. Ye still can't see 'em on yer ship's map table, but ye can see 'em here!

(1) Tribute Peak
(2) Uncharted Isle at K-9
(3) Uncharted Isle at N-13
(4) Sea Dog's Tavern

We've also added all 4 to the "Island Finder." So, if ye get a map filled with X's but ye don't recognize the island, simply click the "?" icon and scroll until ye find a match!
Updated 2 years ago

A Sunken Kingdom has awoken beneath the waves. There are six Siren Shrines and three Siren Treasuries now emblazoned upon your map!

Unlike islands, markers would be of little use atop the labyrinthian Shrines and Treasuries.

Never fear, me hearties! We've got so much more than a map!

Aye! We've created detailed step-by-step guides—in both written and video formats—to help ye on yer way!


Updated 3 years ago
Aye! Trade Routes have been on yer *web* map since the day they launched… addin' 'em to the *app* was a bit trickier. We didn't want to ask pirates to update the app every time TRs shifted. So, we toiled and tinkered, and it's all now shipshape! If ye have cell/wifi, ye have the most recent TRs!

There's a new button, too! It looks a bit like this: +↗ -

Ye can:
• Toggle Symbols ON/OFF
• See a TR Table
• See the Symbol Key
• Find Written & Video Resources on TRs
• …and more!
Updated 2 years ago
Changelog Glitterbeard

In March of 2020, Rare lost a beloved crewmate. On the anniversary of his passing, Rare shared their memorial to him with the community: The Legend of Glitterbeard.

Throughout the seas, you can now find journals that Glitterbeard left behind. With Rare's permission, we have now added their locations to the map - all except for one.

These journals will lead you to that final journal and an experience that transcends this pirate world. Raise yer tankard, me hearties: to Glitterbeard!
Updated 3 years ago
Changelog *More* Riddle Clues!
Aye, there’s always more to discover in this wondrous world!
Updated 3 years ago
Changelog *New* Marker Set!
Fate of the Damned: Week 3
This year, Sea of Thieves is celebrating its annual Festival of the Damned with a 4-week event: Fate of the Damned! Each week we're adding new marker sets to guide yer sails through the week's Challenges and Voyages. Three Cheers fer Week 3!
Version 0.2.45
Updated 3 years ago
Changelog MORE Markers for Tall Tales!
We're still uncovering more mysteries tucked into the Tall Tales - even in the very first tale: The Shroudbreaker!

An Upgraded Pocket Watch
Knowing the in-game day can be quite helpful - whether for an event like Cursed Sails or for Merchant Quests. Knowing the in-game day *and* time? Even better!

Want more?
From daily bounties to monthly updates, there's always more to explore. For the latest articles and guides sail over to! We'll help you through!
Version 0.2.44
Updated 4 years ago
Changelog *More* Riddle Clues!
Aye, there’s always more to discover in this wondrous world!

The Island Finder
Got a map of “X’s,” but you’re not sure where to go? Remember, you can always click the “?” icon to open the “Island Finder.” You can also change the island sizes, for quicker scrolling.

The Tall Tales Retold Event!
Click on those Tall Tale map markers!
From June 4th - 9th, complete The Shroudbreaker, Revenge of the Morningstar, and The Seabound Soul to earn *new* “Rising Morningstar” cosmetics!
Version 0.2.43
Updated 4 years ago
Changelog Happy Anniversary Update!

Aye, SoT is celebrating 2 years at sea! From Arena, to Cats, to Revives, to a newly expanded Reputation and Emissary system - we've crafted detailed guides to help ye pirates get the most out of yer seafaring adventures. (

While we're always adding to our existing marker sets, with this update we're also introducing an all new marker set fer an all new trading company: The Reaper's Bones!

Cloaked in mystery, we're eager to see their intentions unfold…
Version 0.2.42
Updated 4 years ago
Changelog Heart of Fire: New Marker Set!

Captain Flameheart! A name that inspires both fear and devotion. One devoted servant is carrying out a dark ritual in his name.

We've added a new marker set to help you sail, but these markers can only take you so far. Entering the Heart of Fire, means entering underwater passages and catacombs. Maps of the surface cannot help you below.

Never fear! You'll have our written guide to lead you through. Click the link in the app, or find it at: