


Scouting version history

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Version 2.5.1 (2 variants)
Updated 2 years ago
Changelog Hello and happy new year Scouting community! We hope you are enjoying the beginning of the 2022!
We have a small release to start the year: we did a couple of small bug fixes but we also released the Scouting Year 2021 review; you can see your/your Scout achievements during the last year in the Youth profile and share it in your social media channels.
Please stay tuned for our next updates, we are working on something exiting for the unit leaders :)
Version 2.5.0 (2 variants)
Updated 2 years ago
Changelog Upgrade code base and small technical bug fixes.
Alright! We are back with some good stuff happening in the Scouting App. First, we have upgraded our code base to give you a better, quicker experience (YAY!). Because we upgraded the code base, you will need to update your app version. We’ve also completed some other technical fixes that impacted your previous experience.
Until next time, we look forward to all the great things you will continue to do in Scouting!
Version 2.4.26 (2 variants)
Updated 2 years ago
Changelog Hey! Hey! Here we are again, fixing items you’ve told us about. But we’re also rolling out the new Health Care Professions Merit Badge. Check it out under Advancements!
We’ve also fixed the pdf upload issue happening in the Eagle Application when updating your Ambition and Life Purpose sections. One other small technical bug is fixed, too. That’s it for now, but we will be back soon. Until next time, we look forward to all the great things you will continue to do in Scouting!
Version 2.4.25
Updated 2 years ago
Changelog Wow! We are back again. This time with a release of a new feature and the new Citizenship in Society Merit Badge. Now, we’re giving you access to the new Helpfuls site. This is where Scouts help other Scouts find relevant resources when working on merit badges. To access this new feature, simply navigate to any merit badge you are working on. On the merit badge screen, you’ll see a new link to “Helpfuls”.
We’ve been working on some technical fixes that improve your experience.
Version 2.4.22
Updated 2 years ago
Changelog It seems like it’s been a while since we released anything. But we’ve got some good updates this release. During this time, we’ve been working on some issues that you told us were frustrating.
Whew! Now that we got that done, we’re also rolling out the updated payment logs - now parents can see their own payment logs, too! We also improved the calendar experience and made the attendance clearer to you.
Version 2.4.21
Updated 2 years ago
Changelog We’ve been hard at work to make sure your mobile Scoutbook experience is outstanding. While we’ve been away, we’ve implemented a few changes on the payment logs, Scout connection, and addressed a couple of minor bugs in the app.
A big release this round is the new parent experience. As promised, we are delivering an easier way to manage your youth, see a more condensed calendar, and find a dashboard just for you. Within your dashboard, we’ve included items exclusive to you, the parent.
Version 2.3.17
Updated 2 years ago
Changelog This release is mostly about addressing some issues you reported including the Eagle Application not generating correctly, an error received when trying to complete Cub Scout make-up work, and the YPT page was not rendering correctly. However, we also added the ability to update your profile image. YAY!
We are still working on releasing an improved parent experience and understanding what basic functions for unit leaders need to be implemented. Please keep the feedback and ideas coming.
Version 2.3.16 (2 variants)
Updated 3 years ago
Changelog Continue enhancing the look of the app. Addresses bug fixes in the activity logs and reported crashing issues. Release Modular Design Adventure.
Version 2.3.6
Updated 3 years ago
Version 2.3.5
Updated 3 years ago