

Quit Smoking Hypnosis - Stop Smoking Hypnotherapy

Quit Smoking Hypnosis - Stop Smoking Hypnotherapy version history

‹ General Info
Version 2.8
Updated 7 years ago
Changelog Thank you to the more than 5 MILLION PEOPLE using our apps! To those of you who’ve written us to share your success stories, it’s so gratifying to hear how our apps are improving the lives of real people.

â - Ž Fixed some minor bugs

By the way, App Store reviews are very helpful to us. If you think this app is worthy, would you mind taking a moment to write a nice review? We’d greatly appreciate it. Thanks!

Version 2.5
Updated 7 years ago
Changelog We fixed a few bugs.

Do you have a suggestion for other hypnosis apps? Visit to let us know.

And don't forget to check out our other hypnosis apps, also at

Version 2.0
Updated 8 years ago
Changelog We fixed a few bugs.
Version 1.0.9
Updated 8 years ago