

Platzi - Cursos online

Platzi - Cursos online version history

‹ General Info
Version 11.2.1(42343)
Updated 1 month ago
Changelog  Nuevo update en menos de un mes?

¡Sí! Hemos corregido varios errores reportados para asegurar tu aprendizaje continuo.

También unificamos la UI de inicio y registro con la versión web reciente. Si ya iniciaste sesión, no lo notarás, pero al cambiar de teléfono, verás que acceder a Platzi es más fácil.

¡Actualiza la app y nunca pares de aprender!
Version 11.1.14(42317)
Updated 2 months ago
Changelog Hello! Thank you for updating the Platzi app. Finally comes the synchronization of the progress of your classes and courses to continue learning on any device. You will be able to close open classes in "Continue studying" and access them again from your profile. We have redesigned the whole experience in your overview, we want to make it easier for you to find new classes, courses and paths! Your feedback is very important, please share your comments. Thank you for your feedback.
Version 11.1.13(42315)
Updated 2 months ago
Changelog Hello! Thank you for updating the Platzi app. Finally comes the synchronization of the progress of your classes and courses to continue learning on any device. You will be able to close open classes in "Continue studying" and access them again from your profile. We have redesigned the whole experience in your overview, we want to make it easier for you to find new classes, courses and paths! Your feedback is very important, please share your comments. Thank you for your feedback.
Version 11.1.12(42314)
Updated 2 months ago
Changelog Hello! Thank you for updating the Platzi app. Finally comes the synchronization of the progress of your classes and courses to continue learning on any device. You will be able to close open classes in "Continue studying" and access them again from your profile. We have redesigned the whole experience in your overview, we want to make it easier for you to find new classes, courses and paths! Your feedback is very important, please share your comments. Thank you for your feedback.
Version 11.1.11(42311)
Updated 2 months ago
Changelog Hello! Thank you for updating the Platzi app. Finally comes the synchronization of the progress of your classes and courses to continue learning on any device. You will be able to close open classes in "Continue studying" and access them again from your profile. We have redesigned the whole experience in your overview, we want to make it easier for you to find new classes, courses and paths! Your feedback is very important, please share your comments. Thank you for your feedback.
Version 11.0.7
Updated 7 months ago
Changelog ¡Hola!
Descubre todas las novedades de esta nueva versión:
Configura tu app para verla en modo claro u oscuro.
Explora la nueva experiencia de eventos en vivo y sigue los Platzi Lives y eventos especiales que tenemos para ti.
Continúa estudiando sin conexión descargando clases y rutas en tu dispositivo.
Realiza búsquedas de contenido y lanzamientos recientes desde la nueva sección "Explorar".
Conoce a ADA, nuestra asistente virtual te guiará para crear rutas personalizadas mediante IA.
Version 10.25.9
Updated 7 months ago
Changelog Thank you for studying on Platzi! Never stop learning!
We have improved downloads on your phone so that you can continue studying wherever you go.
Your opinion is very important to us, please leave your feedback in the store.
To make sure you don't miss a thing, just keep your Updates turned on! Thank you!
Version 10.25.8
Updated 8 months ago
Changelog During the weekend, we released a Beta version to continue improving your professional development experience. We received hundreds of incredible feedback that will help us move forward.

Now, we are offering you the previous version of the Platzi App with all the known tools and features.

We want to hear from you! Please leave your feedback in the store. Thank you!
Version 10.25.7
Updated 8 months ago
Changelog During the weekend, we released a Beta version to continue improving your professional development experience. We received hundreds of incredible feedback that will help us move forward.

Now, we are offering you the previous version of the Platzi App with all the known tools and features.

We want to hear from you! Please leave your feedback in the store. Thank you!
Version 10.25.6
Updated 10 months ago
Changelog During the weekend, we released a Beta version to continue improving your professional development experience. We received hundreds of incredible feedback that will help us move forward.

Now, we are offering you the previous version of the Platzi App with all the known tools and features.

We want to hear from you! Please leave your feedback in the store. Thank you!