

Plan to Eat: Meal Planner

Plan to Eat: Meal Planner version history

‹ General Info
Version 2.9.10 (2 variants)
Updated 1 year ago
Changelog - Updated the shopping list so a notification appears when you check off an item when "Consolidate Purchased Items" option is selected.
- Updated the recipe view and shopping list so they stay always-on (like cooking view). The shopping list always on feature can be toggled on and off.
- Fixed a bug preventing users from duplicating friend recipes.
- Fixed a bug preventing the app from saving your scroll position on the cook tab.
Version 2.9.9
Updated 1 year ago
Changelog - We fixed a bug in the friend invitations UI.
- We fixed a bug with recipe search. Recipes with the exact words you typed in their titles will now appear first in the search results.
- We fixed a bug that made it appear that your payment did not complete when you purchase a subscription in the app.
- We fixed a bug preventing images from importing in the share extension.
Version 2.9.8 (2 variants)
Updated 1 year ago
Changelog - We added support for managing friend requests in the app! If you have any pending or ignored requests, they will appear under Cook > Friends > three-dot menu.
- We added a notification to the My Recipes page if you have any pending friend requests.
Version 2.9.7 (2 variants)
Updated 1 year ago
Changelog - We updated the trial length for new accounts to 14 days.
- We updated the recipe form so it always displays an error if it is submitted without a title.
Version 2.9.6 (3 variants)
Updated 2 years ago
Changelog - We added a saturated fat field to recipe nutrition facts and updated the section's look and feel.
- We added a warning if it appears that you are trying to import a recipe you have already imported.
- We fixed a bug preventing you from adding friends with spaces or commas in their usernames.
- We fixed a bug causing the app to crash when you delete a menu.
Version 2.9.5 (3 variants)
Updated 2 years ago
Changelog - We fixed a bug causing some ingredients to disappear when they were manually added to a new recipe.
Version 2.9.3
Updated 2 years ago
Changelog - We fixed a bug causing recipe imports to fail when they collected some, but not all, of the recipe data from the provided URL.
- We fixed a bug preventing the Android back button from working properly in the recipe form.
Version 2.9.1 (2 variants)
Updated 2 years ago
Changelog - We added support for tagging your menus! Visit Plan > Menus, select one of your menus, and tap "Edit" to change the menu's tags.
- We added new minimizing animations when you scroll a menu so you can see more of your content.
- We now prompt about unsaved changes to the recipe import form if the back button is hit during a share extension import.
- We fixed a bug that caused tags to be updated inaccurately on recipes.
- We fixed a bug causing some recipes to fail to import.
Version 2.9.0 (2 variants)
Updated 2 years ago
Changelog - You can now make your menus private! Toggle the lock icon when viewing a menu if you would prefer to keep certain menus hidden from friends.
- We added support for searching recipes by course, cuisine, main ingredient, ingredient notes, and comments.
- We improved recipe search functionality so it returns results if your query matches across multiple fields in a given recipe.
- We fixed a bug that caused the app to crash for some users when navigating away from the planner.
Version 2.8.10 (3 variants)
Updated 2 years ago
Changelog - We now save your scroll position on the planner so you can use the other tabs without losing your place. Remember that you can always tap the "Plan" tab or "Today" button to jump back to today's date!
- We made some refinements to planner scrolling so events are only scrolled into view if you selected the day outside of the planner.
- We fixed a bug that caused prep notes from menu events to appear on the planner for some users.