


OWQLO version history

‹ General Info
Version 1.1.15
Updated 3 years ago
Changelog What’s New?

OWQLO has released a new program to the app! Thanks to the Jr. NBA At Home program full of personalized training sessions, everyone can get active in the comfort of their homes!

Ready for a daily challenge? Start the Jr. NBA At Home workout program

Users can:

Watch videos to guide them in their at home trainings

Read about how to do the exercises

Understand how these at home trainings will help them in the game

Get fit with the Jr. NBA
Version 1.1.13
Updated 3 years ago
Changelog What’s New?

OWQLO has released a new program to the app! Thanks to the Jr. NBA League FIT program, everyone can get active in the comfort of their homes!

Bored at home?

Get fit on your own!

We’ve got personalized training sessions for you.

Users can:

Watch videos to guide them in their at home trainings

Read about how to do the exercises

Understand how these at home trainings will help them in the game

Get fit with the Jr. NBA
Version 1.1.11
Updated 4 years ago
Changelog  Qué hay de nuevo?

OWQLO ha lanzado unas nuevas funciones para la aplicación! Gracias al programa FIT de la Jr. NBA, todo el mundo puede participar activamente desde la comodidad de sus hogares!

 Aburrido en casa?

Ponte en forma por tu cuenta!

Tenemos sesiones de entrenamiento personalizadas para ti.

Los usuarios pueden:

Ver videos para guiarse en sus entrenamientos desde casa

Entender cómo estos entrenamientos en casa les ayudarán en la cancha

Ponerse en forma con la Jr. NBA
Version 1.1.10
Updated 4 years ago
Changelog  Qué hay de nuevo?

OWQLO ha lanzado unas nuevas funciones para la aplicación! Gracias al programa FIT de la Jr. NBA, todo el mundo puede participar activamente desde la comodidad de sus hogares!

 Aburrido en casa?

Ponte en forma por tu cuenta!

Tenemos sesiones de entrenamiento personalizadas para ti.

Los usuarios pueden:

Ver videos para guiarse en sus entrenamientos desde casa

Entender cómo estos entrenamientos en casa les ayudarán en la cancha

Ponerse en forma con la Jr. NBA
Version 1.1.1
Updated 4 years ago
Changelog - Nueva versión para los fans
- Incorporación de nuevas entidades deportivas
- Mejoras generales
Version 1.0.24
Updated 4 years ago
Changelog - Minor fixes.
Version 2.5.85 (2 variants)
Updated 4 days ago
Changelog Bug fixes and design improvements
Version 2.5.79 (3 variants)
Updated 3 weeks ago
Changelog The most complete version of competitions is now in OWQLO.

We know how hot it is in a competition, we know that hunger sets in and we know that a soft drink is always enjoyed while you are watching a match... That's why you can now order your food and drinks in the tournament directly from the app, in the same site where you will be reviewing the line-up of the match you are about to start watching.

Do you like our app? Please consider giving it a five-star rating, it really helps us!
Version 2.5.74 (3 variants)
Updated 1 month ago
Changelog The most complete version of competitions is now in OWQLO.

We know how hot it is in a competition, we know that hunger sets in and we know that a soft drink is always enjoyed while you are watching a match... That's why you can now order your food and drinks in the tournament directly from the app, in the same site where you will be reviewing the line-up of the match you are about to start watching.

Do you like our app? Please consider giving it a five-star rating, it really helps us!
Version 2.5.73 (2 variants)
Updated 1 month ago
Changelog The most complete version of competitions is now in OWQLO.

We know how hot it is in a competition, we know that hunger sets in and we know that a soft drink is always enjoyed while you are watching a match... That's why you can now order your food and drinks in the tournament directly from the app, in the same site where you will be reviewing the line-up of the match you are about to start watching.

Do you like our app? Please consider giving it a five-star rating, it really helps us!