

My Track

My Track version history

‹ General Info
Version 5.4.3 (3 variants)
Updated 2 years ago
Changelog V5.4.3: Add the stop time setting for stop markers, add the map theme setting, and optimize the dialog button.
Version 5.2.7 (8 variants)
Updated 3 years ago
Changelog V5.2.7:
1. Smooth altitude for altitude up, altitude down, and speed altitude chart. The default value for smooth pool size is 3 which can be set.
2. Use backup/restore instead of sync/restore
3. Adjust the voice broadcast speed.
4. Remove the writing storage permission.
Version 5.2.6 (10 variants)
Updated 3 years ago
Changelog V5.2.6: fix bugs about importing, avg/max speed, selection of all markers, language speed of audio announcement, and map zoom level when routes and markers are selected.
Version 5.2.5
Updated 3 years ago
Changelog V5.2.5: fix bugs about importing, avg/max speed, selection of all markers, language speed of audio announcement, and map zoom level when routes and markers are selected.
Version 5.2.3
Updated 3 years ago
Changelog V5.2.3 : add calorie for running, add more information for payments, fix bugs about max speed 0 and distance markers for every mile.
Version 5.2.2 (2 variants)
Updated 3 years ago
Changelog V5.2.2: some improvements, fix bugs, edit privacy policy during installing.
Version 5.2.1
Updated 3 years ago
Changelog V5.2.1:
0. modify route types in the statistics feature.
1. Unify the route types.
2. Add prompt when exporting from the route list.
3. Incorporate route's animation replay icon to the route window.
4. Add an option of whether to show marks on a route when the route
is followed, the default is no.
Version 5.2
Updated 3 years ago
Changelog V5.2:
1. Unify the route types.
2. Add prompt when exporting from the route list.
3. Incorporate route's animation replay icon to the route window.
4. Add an option of whether to show marks on a route when the route
is followed, the default is no.
Version 4.10
Updated 3 years ago
Changelog V4.10:
1. Ubah direktori file sementara sehingga tidak ada lagi kesalahan saat mengekspor atau menyinkronkan.
2. Ubah beberapa pengaturan default
3. Sesuaikan menu di jendela rute, sesuaikan kode tentang inflasi, dan perbaiki bug di mana nilai ketinggian negatif ditampilkan sebagai 0 pada grafik kecepatan.
4. Gunakan Firebase Crashlytics SDK dan tingkatkan versi SDK lainnya.
5. Memperbaiki terjemahan bahasa Turki.
Version 4.9
Updated 3 years ago
1. Faça muitas adaptações com base no feedback dos usuários.
2. Altere a função "ajuste de rota" para "adicionar marcadores" e adicione marcadores a cada quilômetro.
3. Filtre o ritmo para os corredores no gráfico de velocidade.