

Masters of Madness Incremental

Masters of Madness Incremental version history

‹ General Info
Version 2.8.13
Updated 7 months ago
Changelog - Darklight Torches color choosing was bugged for some players, this is now fixed
- Newly revealed artifacts are now have a glow and make the Sanguinarium arrow glow
- Other minor bugfixes
Version 2.8.4
Updated 7 months ago
Changelog Fixed a bug where some soultaps were adding more souls than intended
Version 2.8.2 (2 variants)
Updated 7 months ago
Changelog Bugfixes:
- The bug where event turned off after going to the Void is fixed.
- Minor graphics and text fixes
Version 2.7.14 (3 variants)
Updated 7 months ago
Changelog Bugfixes:
- Offline gains sometimes returned minimum value if app lost focus during loading screen. This should not happen anymore. Offline soul gain should always match time away from the game.
- Some UI elements were appearing on top of each other in certain resolutions. This should not happen now.
Version 2.7.3
Updated 8 months ago
Changelog (Start a new timeline to judge all the lategame balancing changes)
- Performance & Tablet Resolution Improvements
- New Nether Minion: Mind Parasites
- Leviathan Overhaul - Better Endgame with Smoother Progression: blessing, nether minion and power prices adjustments, new tapping powers, softer black hole move condition (visit Discord for detailed announcement)
- Bugfixes and smaller balancing adjustments for Paths of Destiny