

Majelis Ar Raudhah

Majelis Ar Raudhah APK

Majelis Ar Raudhah APK

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What's Majelis Ar Raudhah APK?

Majelis Ar Raudhah is a app for Android, It's developed by SEWU DEV author.
First released on google play in 9 years ago and latest version released in 8 years ago.
This app has 0 download times on Google play and rated as 4.82 stars with 153 rated times.
This product is an app in Education category. More infomartion of Majelis Ar Raudhah on google play
Majelis Ar-Raudhah adalah Majelis pimpinan Habib Naufal bin Muhammad Al-’Aydrus. Sebuah wadah yang sejuk bagi para pecinta dzikir dan ilmu. Majelis Ar-Raudhah terbuka untuk siapa pun yang mencari kedamaian dan pencerahan. Alamat kami :
Jl. Dewutan No. 112 Rt. 01 Rw. 16 Semanggi, Pasar Kliwon, Solo 57117 Indonesia Telp: (0271) 633860.

Habib Naufal bin Muhammad al ‘Aydrus ~ الحبيب نوفل ابن محمّد العيدروس - akrab dipanggil Habib Novel atau Habib Noval - adalah putra pertama pasangan Muhammad al ‘Aydrus dengan Luluk al Habsyi. Ia merupakan alumnus SD dan SMP di Yayasan Pendidikan Islam Diponegoro Solo. Lulusan SMAN 2 Solo itu kemudian melanjutkan ke Pesantren Darul Lughah wad Dakwah yang terletak di Desa Raci, Pasuruan, Jatim.

“Saya sebenarnya ingin melanjutkan ke perguruan tinggi. Saya tidak mendapatkan izin Ibu. Beliau tidak ingin saya pergi jauh darinya. Akhirnya saya berangkat ke Pesantren Darul Lughah wad Dakwah. Pesantren tersebut diasuh oleh almarhum Ustad Hasan Baharun,” terang suami Fatimah Qonita itu.

Ayahanda Ahmad Anis, Nur’aliyah dan ‘Ali ‘Abdul Qadir tersebut mengatakan ibunya hanya mengizinkan dirinya belajar di pesantren tersebut selama enam bulan. Ditambah masa percobaan satu bulan, akhirnya Habib Novel menjadi santri selama 7 bulan.

Sulung dari tiga bersaudara itu sama sekali belum mengenal kehidupan pesantren dan bahasa Arab. Habib Novel pun berusaha untuk mempelajari bahasa Arab dengan sebaik-baiknya. Sebab, almarhum kakeknya, Habib Ahmad bin Abdurrahman al ‘Aydrus yang tinggal di Kudus, pernah berkata, ”Jika kamu mampu menguasai bahasa Arab, maka kamu telah menguasai setengah ilmu.”

“Setiap hari saya paksakan diri saya untuk menghapalkan kurang lebih 90 kata kerja. Di atas tempat tidur, kamus kata kerja hampir tidak pernah berpisah dengan diri saya. Alhamdulillah, dalam waktu dua bulan saya sudah dapat bercakap-cakap dengan bahasa Arab,” jelasnya.

Sepulang dari Pesantren Darul Lughah wad Dakwah, Habib Novel kembali melanjutkan kebiasaannya semasa di Solo yaitu senang pergi ke Masjid Riyadh. Sejak kelas 2 SD dia telah akrab dengan Masjid Riyadh. Dahulu, setiap hari, menjelang maghrib, Habib Novel biasa berjalan kaki menuju Masjid Riyadh untuk Salat Maghrib, mengikuti tadarus al Quran, pembacaan Ratib dan Salat Isya berjamaah. Hal itu dilakukannya bertahun-tahun hingga sebelum ke pesantren. Dia mengaku pembacaan Maulid Simtud Durar setiap malam Jumat adalah ruhnya. Begitu kembali di Solo, Habib Novel segera mengikuti pengajian umum yang diselenggarakan Habib Anis. Setiap hari sejak 1995 hingga beliau wafat dia belajar di sana.

“Habib Anis menyebut saya sebagai muridnya. Bagi saya itu menjadi sebuah kebahagiaan,” tambahnya.

Penulis buku Mana Dalilnya itu merasakan manfaat besar dari mengikuti majelis di Masjid Riyadh. Kini, Habib Novel menjadi penceramah, penterjemah dan penulis. Semua itu tidak terlepas dari peran Habib Anis.

Habib Novel bersyukur Allah memperkenankannya menyampaikan ilmu Nabi Muhammad. Dia berdakwah dari satu masjid ke masjid yang lain, dari satu kantor ke kantor yang lain dan dari satu rumah ke rumah yang lain.

Ke depan Habib Novel ingin ada Aswaja Call Center sebagai tempat bertanya bagi masyarakat tentang berbagai persoalan. Sehingga orang tidak bingung ketika memiliki permasalahan tentang agama. Untuk mendukung itu, perlu ustadz yang kompeten dan referensi. Selain itu, jika ada operator nakal supaya segera ditindak.

Keinginan Habib Novel lainnya yaitu adanya sebuah masjid di Jl Slamet Riyadi. Dia sudah menyampaikan kepada Walikota dan tokoh-tokoh sderta orang-orang yang punya uang agar ada masjid di Jl. Slamet Riyadi. “Sungguh sangat disayangkan, di Solo, umat Islam adalah terbesar jumlahnya. Tapi di sepanjang jalan protokol di perkotaan tidak ada masjid. Yang ada masjid sekolahan. Masjid Agung memang sudah ada tapi aksesnya sulit dan keindahannya ditutupi banyak bangunan,” papar lelaki yang pernah menjajakan susu sapi segar dari satu tempat ke tempat lainnya.

Ar-Raudhah Assembly is the Assembly leader Habib Muhammad bin Nawfal Al-'Aydrus. A container cool for dhikr and science lovers. Ar-Raudhah Assembly is open to anyone seeking peace and enlightenment. Our address:
Jl. Dewutan No. 112 Rt. 01 Rw. 16 Clover, Market POND, Solo 57 117 Indonesia Tel: (0271) 633 860.

Habib Nawfal ibn Muhammad al 'Aydrus ~ الحبيب نوفل ابن محمد العيدروس - nicknamed Habib Habib Novel or Noval - is the couple's first son Muhammad al' Aydrus with Lulu al Ethiopia. He is an alumnus of the elementary and junior high schools in the Islamic Education Foundation Diponegoro Solo. Graduates SMAN 2 Solo was then proceed to Pesantren Darul Da'wah wad Lughah located in Raci village, Pasuruan, East Java.

"I actually wanted to go to college. I do not get permission mother. He did not want me to go away from him. Finally I went to the Pesantren Darul Lughah Da'wah wad. Pesantren is taken care of by the late Ustad Hasan Baharun, "said Fatimah Qonita's husband.

Anis Ahmad's father, Nur'aliyah and 'Ali' Abd al-Qadir said his mother only allowed him to learn at the school for six months. Plus a one-month trial period, finally Habib Novel to be students for 7 months.

The eldest of the three brothers did not know the life of the school and Arabic. Novel Habib was trying to learn Arabic as well as possible. Therefore, the deceased grandfather, Habib Ahmad bin Abdurrahman al 'Aydrus who live in the Holy, once said, "If you are able to master the Arabic language, then you have mastered half science."

"Every day I forced myself to memorize about 90 verbs. At the top of the bed, dictionary verb almost never parted with myself. Alhamdulillah, within two months I've been able to converse in Arabic, "he explained.

Returning from Pesantren Darul Lughah wad Propagation, Habib Novel resumed his habit during Solo is happy to go to Riyadh mosque. Since second grade elementary school he was familiar with Riyadh mosque. In the past, every day, maghrib, Habib Novel usual walk to Masjid Riyadh for Maghrib prayers, followed tadarus Koran, reading Ratib and Isha prayers in congregation. This was done many years until prior to boarding. He admitted reading Mawlid Simtud Durar every Friday night was his soul. Once back in Solo, Habib Novel immediately following the public recitation held Habib Anis. Every day since 1995 until his death he was studying there.

"Habib Anis called me as his student. For me it became a joy, "he added.

The author of Where the evidence for substantial benefit from following assemblies in Riyadh mosque. Now, Habib Novel became lecturer, translator and writer. All that is inseparable from the role of Habib Anis.

Habib Novel thankful God allowed him to convey the science of the Prophet Muhammad. He was preaching from the mosque to mosque to another, from one office to another and from one house to another.

Forward Habib Novel want any Aswaja Call Center as a place to ask for the public on various issues. So people are not confused when having problems about religion. To support it, need chaplain competent and references. In addition, if there are rogue operators that immediately followed.

Habib Novel desire more, namely the existence of a mosque in Jalan Slamet Riyadi. He has submitted to the Mayor and figures sderta people who have money so that there is a mosque in the Jl. Slamet Riyadi. "It is very unfortunate, in Solo, Muslims are the largest in number. But along the main streets in the city there is no mosque. That there is a mosque school. Great Mosque was already there but access is difficult and beauty covered much of the building, "said the man who never hawking fresh cow's milk from one place to another.