

Magic Rush: Heroes

Magic Rush: Heroes version history

‹ General Info
Version 1.1.304
Updated 3 years ago
Mudanças nas habilidades de heróis
1.Foice de Alma:
Invoca uma foice de alma cada vez que uma habilidade é
utilizada.Essas foices irão flutuar pelo campo de batalha,
causando dano aos inimigos. Esta habilidade é imune a
ataques de Silêncio. Cada vez que uma foice de alma
atingir um alvo, ela dará a Halley uma Marca da Morte.
Com 3 Marcas da Morte,o roubo de vida mágico é aumentado
e a cura recebida pela Halley também é aumentada.
Version 1.1.22
Updated 54 years ago
Version 1.1.302 (2 variants)
Updated 2 years ago
Changelog Hero Skill Changes
Adjusted West's basic attack range from 170m to 200m.
1.Photon Barrage:
Added passive effect: West's skills and basic atks
all give targets a stack of armor-buster seal. At
5 stacks, the enemy will get a high armor debuff.
This effect has a brief cooldown.
2.Energy Chaser:
Added effect: His damage reduction effect is
increased for 6s after teleporting.
Version 1.1.301 (2 variants)
Updated 2 years ago
Mudanças nas habilidades do herói
1.Cura Estrelar:
Cura seus 3 companheiros de equipe mais feridos.
A diminui 10% a cada cura, reduzido até 20%.
2.Benção de Luz:
Protege a maioria dos companheiros de equipe
feridos e agora adiciona um escudo. Se a unidade
tiver um buff de cura contínua, a unidade irá
recuperar instantaneamente algum PV e este buff
de cura será removido.
Version 1.1.299
Updated 3 years ago
Changelog Hero Skill Changes
1.Frost Tomb:
Increased Frost Tomb's imprison duration.
2.Frozen Mist:
Mist continuously regens HP for the weakest ally.
If target HP drops below 30% during mist effect,
he/she will be frozen, unable to move or atk,
but also immune to all dmg and have improved
healing,and when the freeze ends, he/she will have
a crit dmg reduction effect. Freeze effect will
not be triggered again for a short time.
Version 1.1.21
Updated 8 years ago
Version 1.1.295
Updated 3 years ago
Changelog Hero Skill Changes
1.Crow Feast:
Unleashes a flock of crows dealing damage to
enemies in their path. Furia’s attack speed
increases for every enemy hit, stacking up to 10x.
Damage decreases with each enemy hit, to as low as 60%.
2.Feather Fan:
Deals AoE damage to a row of enemies and causes them
to bleed and take continuous damage.
Version 1.1.294
Updated 3 years ago
Changelog Hero Skill Changes
1.Heart Breaker:
Deals magic damage to an enemy, causing the target
to bleed and continuously take damage for 8s.
This skill will prioritize targeting a Mage first.
If there are no Mages,
then priority goes to a Support,
and if there are no Supports,
then a random enemy will be targeted.
Version 1.1.20
Updated 8 years ago
Version 1.1.292
Updated 3 years ago
Changelog Hero Skill Changes
Dragon Scale: Let's out a roar, increasing magic
resistance for self and nearby teammates.
This effect lasts the entire battle. Throughout
the whole battle, Jacob will boost his Magic
Resist several times. This effect can stack.
Increased Jacob's skill damage dealt and magic
lifesteal effect.