

LostMiner: Build & Craft Game

LostMiner: Build & Craft Game version history

‹ General Info
Version v1.4.5b (5 variants)
Updated 2 years ago
Changelog v1.4.5b
- Added colored platforms, new leather armor (non craftable, I will add the improved armor of other materials in future updates), new shovels (for treasures/box offers) and flappy wings (a rare non-craftable equippable item);
- Multiplayer bug fixes (multiplication glitches and item frame issues);
- Other improvements, bug fixes and libs updates;

- UI changes;
- Now you can tame the white lizard;
- Added GPS, new axes and some other new items;
- Added rattlesnakes;
Version v1.4.5a (13 variants)
Updated 2 years ago
Changelog - UI changes (new dialogs to edit world name/seed and other, better world info screen, and added a way to edit world name and position after creation);
- Now you can tame the white lizard;
- Added an alert when you get an ostrich egg in front of an ostrich;
- Added GPS (for position), new non-craftable axes and some other new items;
- Added rattlesnakes (can poison you);
- Increased max durability of some items (magic wands and maces, use an anvil to fix);
- Other improvements and bug fixes;
Version v1.4.4e (10 variants)
Updated 2 years ago
Changelog v1.4.4e
- Added recipes for colored glass;
- Added new bows (non craftable, for treasures/box offers);
- Fixed curupira not despawning after defeating the player;
- Other improvements and bug fixes;

- Added new loot for mages (magic wands, each has a different way to use);
- Added frogs, 2 new hats, and sound for fire;
- Now player/mobs gets on fire a while after touching fire/lava;
- Multiplayer improvements;
Version v1.4.4d (9 variants)
Updated 2 years ago
Changelog - Added new loot for mages (magic wands, each has a different way to use);
- Added frogs, 2 new hats, and sound for fire;
- Now player/mobs gets on fire a while after touching fire/lava;
- Fixed phantom block bug and visual bugs on beaches;
- Multiplayer improvements (fixed fire spread, book multiplication issue and others);
- Other minor improvements and fixes;
Version v1.4.4c (11 variants)
Updated 3 years ago
Changelog v1.4.4c
- Now you can use empty bottles to get and throw slimes;
- Added new hat and new shields (non craftable, for treasures/box offers);
- Some new achievements;
- Fixed arrows collision check for bigger mobs;
- Support for larger textures;
- Multiplayer improvements;
- Bug fixes;

- Mobs attacks are now fully synchronized in multiplayer;
- Host no longer blocks other players when watching an ad;
- Added new pickaxes (non craftable, for treasures/box offers);
Version v1.4.4b
Updated 2 years ago
Changelog v1.4.4b
- Mobs attacks are now fully synchronized in multiplayer;
- Host no longer blocks other players when watching an ad;
- Fixed some multiplayer reported issues;
- Added new pickaxes (non craftable, for treasure chests/boxes offers);
- Lot small improvements and fixes;
- Libs updates;

- New multiplayer protocol;
- Now, besides the local multiplayer, there is the option to configure host as remote;
- New and optimized world files format, it takes up much less memory on your device;
Version v1.4.4a
Updated 3 years ago
Changelog - Novo protocolo multiplayer, adicionado chat, e muitas mudanças, correções de bugs e melhorias (não é compatível com a versão anterior, então atualize todos os dispositivos para multiplayer);
- Agora, além do multiplayer local, existe a opção de configurar seu host como remoto (para jogar com pessoas distantes), basta compartilhar seu id remoto para que qualquer jogador possa entrar no seu mundo;
- Novo formato otimizado dos arquivos de mundo;
- Outras melhorias e atualizações de libs;
Version v1.4.3a (2 variants)
Updated 3 years ago
Changelog - Atualizado para o Android 11;
- Adicionado novo loot para alguns mobs (machado do minotauro e clava dos ogros);
- Adicionado um novo mini-boss (Ciclope);
- Corrigido plantas invisíveis e problemas nas terras aradas hidratadas;
- Outras pequenas melhorias, correções de bugs e atualizações de libs;
Version v1.4.2d
Updated 3 years ago
Changelog v1.4.2d
- Adicionados novos tipos de slimes;
- Adicionado outras cores de coleira (para seus pets);
- Várias melhorias e correções de bugs;

- Adicionados sons da lava e corrigidos fluidos invisíveis;
- Corrigido luz da tocha/capacete de mineiro no multiplayer;

- Lava agora tem geração natural;
- Otimização de memória;

- Adicionado lava;
- Mudanças na mecânica e física da água;
- Itens caídos em água agora flutuam;
- Mudanças no fogo (propagação do fogo e outros);
Version v1.4.2c
Updated 3 years ago
Changelog v1.4.2c
- Adicionados sons da lava e corrigidos fluidos invisíveis;
- Adicionado Lava Slime;
- Corrigido luz da tocha/capacete de mineiro no multiplayer;
- Outras mudanças técnicas e correções de bugs;

- Lava agora tem geração natural;
- Otimização de memória;

- Adicionado LAVA!
- Mudanças na mecânica e física da água;
- Itens caídos em água agora flutuam;
- Mudanças no fogo (propagação do fogo e outros);