

Kahoot! Play & Create Quizzes

Kahoot! Play & Create Quizzes version history

‹ General Info
Version 4.0.1
Updated 4 years ago
Changelog We’ve added flashcards and other new study modes to review content and study at home:
- Flashcards: learn a new topic, memorize facts and revisit a topic before tests
- Practice: play without a timer until you’ve aced all questions
- Test yourself: compete against AI players and unlock emotes
- Challenge friends: see if they can beat your score
Version 3.7.7
Updated 4 years ago
Changelog This update is focused on stability improvements and bug fixes but don’t miss out on our recent updates:
- Replay a game with all the scores! If some players were not able to join your game, we have a great new feature for you: create a challenge and include all the scores from the original game. This new feature is available from game reports.
- Many accessibility fixes for the challenge game play and the creator.
- Flag kahoots with misleading or inappropriate content
Updated 4 years ago
Changelog This update is focused on stability improvements and bug fixes but don’t miss out on our recent updates:
- Replay a game with all the scores! If some players were not able to join your game, we have a great new feature for you: create a challenge and include all the scores from the original game. This new feature is available from game reports.
- Many accessibility fixes for the challenge game play and the creator.
- Flag kahoots with misleading or inappropriate content
Version 3.7.6
Updated 4 years ago
Changelog This update is focused on stability improvements and bug fixes but don’t miss out on our recent updates:
- Replay a game with all the scores! If some players were not able to join your game, we have a great new feature for you: create a challenge and include all the scores from the original game. This new feature is available from game reports.
- Many accessibility fixes for the challenge game play and the creator.
Version 3.7.4
Updated 4 years ago
Changelog - Replay a game with all the scores! If some players were not able to join your game, we have a great new feature for you: create a challenge and include all the scores from the original game. This new feature is available from game reports.
- Many accessibility fixes for challenge game play and the creator.
Updated 4 years ago
Changelog Happy new year! We’re kicking it off with a bunch of new things and fixes:
- New design of the kahoot details page
- Improved flow for creating and playing challenges
- New report pages for players and game hosts
- The ability to see a previous game report for each kahoot from its details page
- Accessibility fixes
Updated 4 years ago
Changelog We’ve added support for a new premium question type, open-ended questions, where players are prompted to type the correct answer. Try it out in our creator!
Version 3.7.1
Updated 4 years ago
Changelog We’ve added support for a new premium question type, open-ended questions, where players are prompted to type the correct answer. Try it out in our creator!
Version 3.7.0
Updated 2 years ago
Changelog We’ve added a new question type for higher ed, business and social accounts: give players a voice with an interactive word cloud!
Updated 4 years ago
Changelog - You can use player identifier in challenges to know the person behind the nickname (Academy for business)
- Personalized learning is now supported for challenges, too!
- Kahoot! Premium for schools is now available in the app
- Not sure which plan to choose? Our new comparison pages will help you get an overview of key features