

ITsMagic Engine - Create games

ITsMagic Engine - Create games version history

‹ General Info
Version ST.2024.04f1 (3 variants)
Updated 3 weeks ago
Changelog SUIScrollView not working fixed.

APK Updated.
A new HPOP has been developed and implemented, old HPOPs are automatically converted into new ones.
HPOPV2 supports integration with STerrain, once your HPOP is a child of STerrain, it absorbs unevenness automatically.
A grass option has been added to the terrain editing options.
The collision support system in HPOPV2 arrives in the next update.

Frame limiter has been updated to work much better.
Version ST.2024.03f10
Updated 1 month ago
If you are calculating the game's FPS to display on the screen, the FPS will be limited to 30, it is not the performance of itsmagic that has reduced, deactivate the limiter if you wish, but it is recommended to keep it activated.

APK Crashing fixed.
Bug fixes.
Missing LightSettings methods added to java runtime.
Missing Light methods added to java runtime.
Version ST.2024.03f5 (3 variants)
Updated 1 month ago
Changelog New Vision integrations.
APK Updated.
Android 14 loading classes bug fix.
SUI Circular progress bar not working fixed.
Crash fix.
Version ST.2024.03f1
Updated 1 month ago
Changelog APK Updated.
Android 14 loading classes bug fix.
SUI Circular progress bar not working fixed.
Crash fix.
Version ST.2024.02f8 (2 variants)
Updated 1 month ago
Changelog I resolved several bugs reported on the ⁠🐞┃reports channel
Many changes to increase performance have been made.
World reloading has been greatly accelerated.
GUIText now has the Y like other GUIs.
A new batch rendering system was created, the idea is that it will be more efficient and faster.
Version ST.2024.02f7 (3 variants)
Updated 1 month ago
Changelog I resolved several bugs reported on the ⁠🐞┃reports channel
Many changes to increase performance have been made.
World reloading has been greatly accelerated.
GUIText now has the Y like other GUIs.
A new batch rendering system was created, the idea is that it will be more efficient and faster.
Version ST.2024.02f6
Updated 1 month ago
Changelog I resolved several bugs reported on the ⁠🐞┃reports channel
Many changes to increase performance have been made.
World reloading has been greatly accelerated.
GUIText now has the Y like other GUIs.
A new batch rendering system was created, the idea is that it will be more efficient and faster.
Version ST.2024.02f3
Updated 1 month ago
Changelog I resolved several bugs reported on the ⁠🐞┃reports channel
Many changes to increase performance have been made.
World reloading has been greatly accelerated.
GUIText now has the Y like other GUIs.
A new batch rendering system was created, the idea is that it will be more efficient and faster.
Version ST.2024.02f2 (3 variants)
Updated 2 months ago
Changelog A lot of bug fixes.
New movement panels.

World loading is now about 5 times faster.
Option to disable static attributes error fixed.
A number of small bugs have been resolved.
APK has been updated to work on Android 14.
Version ST.2024.01f5 (2 variants)
Updated 2 months ago
Changelog The .OBJ model import system has changed, now vertexes are extracted automatically. It is no longer possible to place an .obj directly in the model renderer (which caused several bugs in the APK).
If you need to place an .obj without extracting the vertexes in the model renderer, inside the .obj folder there will be a "vertex_total.vertex", use it.

Static variables and attributes now result in error, to avoid hard-to-identify issues that often frustrated developers when exporting APK.