

Hirewire - Job Search

Hirewire - Job Search version history

‹ General Info
Version 3.16 (2 variants)
Updated 5 years ago
Version 3.15.1
Updated 5 years ago
Changelog Job seekers:

- You asked and we (finally) listened! Now you can filter job posts by industry, position, distance, and more!
- We've also added an Education section to your profile. Fill it out to improve your chances of getting hired!


- Now you can see a candidate's education level and bio on their profile.
Version 3.15
Updated 6 years ago
Changelog Job seekers:

- You asked and we (finally) listened! Now you can filter job posts by industry, position, distance, and more!
- We've also added an Education section to your profile. Fill it out to improve your chances of getting hired!


- Now you can see a candidate's education level and bio on their profile.
Version 3.14
Updated 6 years ago
Changelog Receiving too many notifications or emails? Head to your Settings screen in the app to turn some of them off.

- Collect candidates even when you don't have an active job post! Job seekers can now sign up for your waitlist so that when you are ready to start hiring again, you already have a candidate pool to choose from.

Job Seekers:
- You can now join the waitlist for employers in your feed who aren't currently hiring. You'll be the first in line when they post a new opportunity!
Version 3.13
Updated 6 years ago
Changelog Employers:
- Once you get through your applicants, you can keep swiping to browse other job seekers that fit your job post criteria!
- You now have the ability to call or text your applicants for quicker and easier communication.

Job seekers:
- Optional: You can now give employers access to your number so that they can contact you directly for interviews. Do this from the Preferences screen!
Version 3.12.1
Updated 6 years ago
Changelog Employers:
- You can now specify the pay range of a position when posting a job opening
Version 3.12
Updated 6 years ago
Changelog - Made it easier for employers to unlock their job posts and access their applicants
- Added new industries and positions to select from
Version 3.10
Updated 6 years ago
Changelog The inbox tab is back! Any active conversations you're having will now be in one place. You can start a conversation by going to the interview details screen of an interview you've scheduled.
Version 3.9
Updated 6 years ago
Changelog Fixed some bugs but also created some new ones to keep things interesting.
Version 3.8
Updated 6 years ago
Changelog Employers
- View expired applicants and invite them to re-apply. These are people who requested an interview but the interview time passed before you could respond
- Decline interview requests if the time doesn't work. We'll send a message to the job seeker telling them to re-apply for a new time slot

Job Seekers
- Look for interview invitations from employers on your Interviews tab! If you applied to a job but the manager wants you to select a new interview slot, they'll invite you to re-apply