

GMAT 2021 prep App-Aptitude Verbal Mock Test Paper

GMAT 2021 prep App-Aptitude Verbal Mock Test Paper version history

‹ General Info
Version 1.0.8_gmat
Updated 6 years ago
Changelog With the change of season, your favorite learning app is back with some major changes:
- Your learning gets more personalized with recommended content & tests on the all-new home-screen
- Features like continue viewing to keep your learning spree unbroken & 'Beat the Score' for you to make some records
- Sharing gets easier on EduRev
- Simple left swipe now takes you to the next question
- An overall cleaner look + feel
- Mass elimination of any & every bug we could find, and it still continues
Version 1.0.6_gmat
Updated 6 years ago
Changelog The engineers are telling me about a lot of bugs killed and improvements made but they speak a language from another planet.
I can definitely see a new result screen which is easier to use and even looks a little better, I am less scared to look at my results now!
Also, joining and exploring new courses has never been simpler.
They also made the payment screen cleaner so we can avail the much needed smart offers! Rest I will leave it on you find out.
Ciao, until the next time. - EduRev
Version 1.0.0_gmat
Updated 7 years ago