


Geometry version history

‹ General Info
Version 1.33
Updated 7 years ago
Changelog 1.33
- Barrel

- Pythagorean theorem
- new language: Romanian

- Pentagonal prism

- circle: chord, distance from the chord to the circle center
- minor fixes

- guide
- new option 1/x on the keyboard
- new option k (constant) on the keyboard (available for some shapes)
- minor fixes
- in Pro version: triangular prism

- bug fixes with Arabic number format

- bug fixes (trapezoid drawing)
Version 1.32
Updated 7 years ago
Version 1.31
Updated 8 years ago
Version 1.30
Updated 8 years ago
Version 1.29
Updated 8 years ago
Version 1.28
Updated 8 years ago
Changelog 1.28
Version 1.27
Updated 8 years ago
Version 2.39
Updated 3 months ago
Changelog 2.35
- Relative position of two circles
- Relative position of a circle and a line
- Relative position of a circle and a point

- Translation of a circle by a vector
- Circle reflection over point
- Circle reflection over line
- Circle with radius and two points

- Circle with center and point
- Circle with center and radius
- Circle with three points
Version 2.38
Updated 6 months ago
Changelog 2.35
- Relative position of two circles
- Relative position of a circle and a line
- Relative position of a circle and a point

- Translation of a circle by a vector
- Circle reflection over point
- Circle reflection over line
- Circle with radius and two points

- Circle with center and point
- Circle with center and radius
- Circle with three points
Version 2.37
Updated 1 year ago
Changelog 2.35
- Relative position of two circles
- Relative position of a circle and a line
- Relative position of a circle and a point

- Translation of a circle by a vector
- Circle reflection over point
- Circle reflection over line
- Circle with radius and two points

- Circle with center and point
- Circle with center and radius
- Circle with three points