

Garfield GO - AR Treasure Hunt

Garfield GO - AR Treasure Hunt version history

‹ General Info
Version 2.2.94
Updated 6 years ago
Changelog - International launch in Germany and the United Kingdom

- New hats for Garfield to wear, including special country hats for Germany, UK, Canada and Australia

- More badges to earn and collect

- Minor bug fixes and improvements
Version 2.1.87
Updated 6 years ago
Changelog - Fixed an issue that caused prizes from other countries to be found

- Changed the "Expired" tab to say "Out of Stock" in the My Prizes area to more clearly communicate that there are only a limited number of each prize to be found at a time. Remember, you're competing against other treasure hunters to find all of the pieces of the puzzles before they do!

- Players are now able to disable AR Mode during the tutorial

- Improvements have been made to the feeding interaction
Version 2.0.80
Updated 6 years ago
Changelog Garfield GO launches in the United States and Canada!

- Win REAL prizes, including Amazon, Starbucks, Domino's Pizza, VISA Gift Cards and more! There are four pieces to each puzzle, collect them all and you win that prize! One piece is hidden in each chest: Wooden, Silver, Golden and Diamond.
- Find collectible hats to customize Garfield's appearance! Look for upcoming events featuring exclusive, limited time hats!
Version 1.1.47
Updated 6 years ago
Changelog Fixed an issue where nothing would happen while the hot/cold meter was being displayed in AR mode. This issue occurred on devices that did not have a gyroscope or compass. Unfortunately, if those sensors are not available, it does limit and change the intended AR gameplay experience. However, instead of blocking those devices from being able to play the game completely, we've tweaked the experience so that the chests are at least able to be opened after feeding Garfield.
Version 2.5.135
Updated 6 years ago
Changelog Fixed a bug with the Daily Spinner rewarding the wrong food type.
Version 2.3.112
Updated 6 years ago
- Donuts are now free! No more buying or baking them, just get out there and hunt down treasure chests! Save the coins earned from Wooden Chests to buy more valuable foods!
- The Oven has been getting messy! It'll need to be cleaned after baking some food items.
- Missing only one piece to a comic strip? Now you can trade in your coins to find the last piece and complete your collection!