

Flutter Gallery

Flutter Gallery version history

‹ General Info
Version 2.3.0
Updated 4 years ago
Changelog To coincide with the release of Flutter 1.12, we’ve rebuilt the Flutter Gallery from the ground up with an all new design! 🎉

We’ve ensured the Gallery utilizes best practices for accessibility, internationalization, and adaptive layout. Additionally, you can take a deep dive into four Material Design studies.
Version 2.2.0
Updated 4 years ago
Changelog To coincide with the release of Flutter 1.12, we’ve rebuilt the Flutter Gallery from the ground up with an all new design! 🎉

We’ve ensured the Gallery utilizes best practices for accessibility, internationalization, and adaptive layout. Additionally, you can take a deep dive into three Material Design studies.
Version 2.1.0
Updated 4 years ago
Changelog To coincide with the release of Flutter 1.12, we’ve rebuilt the Flutter Gallery from the ground up with an all new design! 🎉

We’ve ensured the Gallery utilizes best practices for accessibility, internationalization, and adaptive layout. Additionally, you can take a deep dive into three Material Design studies.
Version 1.1.9
Updated 5 years ago
Version 0.1.5-pre.25
Updated 6 years ago
Changelog Initial release of our gallery with demos on Material Design widgets, iOS style widgets, animated gifs, videos and more.