

Find Dining Restaurant Finder

Find Dining Restaurant Finder version history

‹ General Info
Version 1.2.1
Updated 7 years ago
Changelog 1.2.1 - "New Perspectives"
- [New] Rotation optimized for ALL screen sizes - hold your devices any way you want
- [Improved] New pretty image in nav drawer =)
- Misc UI and consistency bugfixes
- (21Mar) Fixed some locale-specific crashes

1.2.0 - "Awesome & Smart Explorers"
- [New] Smart suggestions - tap the ☆ to pin to top
- [New] Popular fast foods
- [New] Material Design
- [New] Voice search!
- [Improved] Faster search results
- Misc optimizations and bugfixes
Version 1.0.2
Updated 8 years ago