

femSense fertility

femSense fertility version history

‹ General Info
Version 2.1.0 (2 variants)
Updated 2 months ago
Changelog * All new: We have updated the whole look & feel of the app for a better user experience
* Updated & optimized calendar in pregnancy mode.
* Bug fixes & performance improvements.
* Minor updates to instructions for use
Version 2.0.11 (2 variants)
Updated 7 months ago
Changelog - Bug fixes & performance improvements.
- Added Polish as supported language
Version 2.0.10 (2 variants)
Updated 8 months ago
Changelog * We've added some new features, including a region selector, and now, when users contact support, their account email addresses are included.
* Updated & optimized calendar in pregnancy mode.
* Bug fixes & performance improvements.
Version 2.0.9 (2 variants)
Updated 1 year ago
Changelog We have improved the performance of the femSense app. The femSense app can now handle different timezones better. The calendar has been optimised and is more responsive. We also fixed other minor issues to make femSense more user-friendly.
Version 2.0.8 (2 variants)
Updated 1 year ago
Changelog We have improved the performance of the femSense app. The femSense app can now handle different timezones better. The calendar has been optimized and is more responsive. We also fixed other minor issues to make femSense more user-friendly.
Version 2.0.7 (2 variants)
Updated 1 year ago
Changelog - You can now track your cycle more detailed with new input possibilities
- We have improved the display of the patch application day within the calendar and today-screen
- In the new learn more section of the today screen you can get insights on your cycle and maybe learn something new
- Changing the length of your luteal phase is now possible
- App FAQ-Screen based on your current cycle
Version 2.0.6 (3 variants)
Updated 1 year ago
Changelog - You can now track your cycle more detailed with new input possibilities
- We have improved the display of the patch application day within the calendar and today-screen
- In the new learn more section of the today screen you can get insights on your cycle and maybe learn something new
- Changing the length of your luteal phase is now possible
- App FAQ-Screen based on your current cycle
Version 2.0.5 (3 variants)
Updated 2 years ago
Changelog - You can now track your cycle more detailed with new input possibilities
- We have improved the display of the patch application day within the calendar and today-screen
- In the new learn more section of the today screen you can get insights on your cycle and maybe learn something new
- Changing the length of your luteal phase is now possible
- App FAQ-Screen based on your current cycle
Version 2.0.3
Updated 2 years ago
Changelog Wir haben unter anderem die Benachrichtigungen gefixed und einige kleinere Probleme behoben. Bitte lies deinen Patch mindestens zweimal täglich aus - am besten morgens und abends, damit femSense immer mit deinen aktuellsten Werten arbeiten kann.
Version 2.0.1 (3 variants)
Updated 2 years ago
Changelog Wir haben unseren Algorithmus verfeinert! Bitte lies deshalb ab sofort deinen Patch mindestens zweimal täglich aus - am besten morgens und abends, damit femSense immer mit deinen aktuellsten Werten arbeiten kann. Neu sind in diesem Update außerdem Pop-ups, die dir u.a. an deinen fruchtbaren Tagen zusätzliche Informationen liefern. Wusstest du? femSense kann jetzt mehr als nur Kinderwunsch: Fruchtbarkeitstracking - natürlich hormonfrei!