



‹ General Info
Version 1.31.0
Updated 1 year ago
Changelog Version 1.31.0
- Data for upcoming features (FR Boards).
- App icon updated.
- Various UI changes and bug fixes.
Version 1.30.1
Updated 1 year ago
Changelog Version 1.30.1
- App icon updated.
- App has been updated in preparation for 5th anniversary.
- Various UI changes and bug fixes.
Version 1.30.0
Updated 1 year ago
Changelog Version 1.30.0
- The player party's force gauge start value is now increased according to the number of boosted characters in the party.
- Various UI changes and bug fixes.
Version 1.29.1
Updated 1 year ago
Changelog Version 1.29.1
- The achieved grade for SPIRITUS difficulty quests is now displayed in the "Party Used" page.
- Data for upcoming events.
- Various UI changes and bug fixes.
Version 1.29.0
Updated 1 year ago
Changelog Version 1.29.0
- New "Favorite" feature added. Characters can now be favorited and filtered by custom favorite groups.
- Friend supports now display the character's equipped BT/FR/LD/EX abilities.
- Various UI changes and bug fixes.
Version 1.28.1
Updated 1 year ago
Changelog Version 1.28.1
- Training event "Mog's Gym" revamped, and rewards have been reset and updated.
- Updated interface for refining Power Stones to High Power Stones.
- Various UI changes and bug fixes.
Version 1.28.0
Updated 1 year ago
Changelog Version 1.28.0
- "Filter Traits" categories added.
- New "Copy Party" function and other updates added to Party page.
- Suggested total power has been added to certain quests.
- New character icon backgrounds added to differentiate characters based on equipped gear.
- Various UI changes and bug fixes.
Version 1.27.1
Updated 1 year ago
Changelog Version 1.27.1
- Limit of held multi-draw tickets has been raised from 999 to 99,999.
- Data for upcoming events.
- Various UI changes and bug fixes.
Version 1.27.0
Updated 2 years ago
Changelog Version 1.27.0
- New “Force Enhancement” feature added.
- Characters can now be filtered by their traits.
- New "Ally List" page added to Party page.
- New "Enhance" feature added to the Gear/Abilities page allows easy enhancement of each character.
- New "Total Power" feature has been added to gauge a character's strength, and characters can be sorted by their Total Power.
- A limit of 300,000 has been placed on held purchased gems.
- Various UI changes and bug fixes.
Version 1.26.1
Updated 2 years ago
Changelog Version 1.26.1
- New 10+1 multi draw ticket that can be exchanged with gems.
- Terms of Service & Privacy Policy update.
- Various UI changes and bug fixes.