

Delivery Tiger-Courier Service

Delivery Tiger-Courier Service version history

‹ General Info
Version 1.8.10 (4 variants)
Updated 3 years ago
Changelog ✨ Service type popup
🐞 Bug fixed and performance improved
Version 1.8.9 (3 variants)
Updated 3 years ago
Changelog ✨ Service type popup
🐞 Bug fixed and performance improved
Version 1.8.8 (2 variants)
Updated 3 years ago
Changelog ✨ Service type popup
🐞 Bug fixed and performance improved
Version 1.8.7 (3 variants)
Updated 3 years ago
Changelog ✨ Order place updated
✨ Delivery Return Dashboard
✨ Instant payment updated
Bug fixed & performance improved
Version 1.8.6
Updated 3 years ago
Changelog ✨ Complain form updated
✨ Order tracking updated
✨ Order placement updated
Bug fixed & performance improved
Version 1.8.5
Updated 3 years ago
Changelog Bug fixed and performance improved
Version 1.0
Updated 4 years ago
Version 1.8.3
Updated 3 years ago
Changelog Order tracking updated
Bug fixed and performance improved
Version 1.8.2
Updated 3 years ago
Changelog Instant payment
Bug fixed and performance improved
Version 1.8.0
Updated 3 years ago
Changelog Instant payment