

Covenant Eyes

Covenant Eyes version history

‹ General Info
Version 5.12.7
Updated 3 years ago
Changelog * Fixed an issue that can prevent screenshots from being reported
* Fixed a rare bug that could cause some users to be signed out of Covenant Eyes
* Ensured app responds correctly to external password changes
* Squashed a couple minor bugs
* Made small stability improvements
* Ensured that Covenant Eyes automatically restarts after the app upgrades
* Improved device reporting data
* Updated links to My Account
* Upgraded to Google's latest WorkManager API library
Version 5.12.5
Updated 3 years ago
Changelog * Improved performance of app by adjusting secure data handling
* Updated connections to both "My Account" and "View My Activity"
* Fixed rare problem with time zone calculation on image upload
* Fixed crash that occasionally happened when a browser couldn't be found
* Updated our contact info
Version 5.12.4
Updated 3 years ago
Changelog * Improve overall stability by rebuilding our native code initializer
* Fix occasional service startup errors
Version 5.12.3
Updated 3 years ago
Changelog * Improved stability and efficiency of some background services
* Improved screen cast permission experience
* Optimized native code & reduced download size
* Fixed an upgrade problem on some Samsung devices
* Improved security with additional encryption
* Removed requests for unneeded permissions
* Squashed a couple bugs related to filtering, bye bugs!
Version 5.12.0
Updated 3 years ago
Changelog * Rebuilt the VPN Service with new technology to make it faster and more stable
* Improved transition when switching to Screen Accountability™
* Included Google's latest bug fixes in the foundation of our native code
Version 5.11.1
Updated 3 years ago
Changelog * Image recognition now uses half the CPU power it previously used
* Improved stability by adding new boundaries around complex processes
* Improved configuration management for Screen Accountability™ system parameters
* Upgraded error and performance reporting system to improve user support
* Fixed a few small bugs and stability issues
* Fixed crash that occurred during upgrade from an older version
Updated 5 years ago
Updated 5 years ago
Updated 5 years ago
Version 5.10.2
Updated 3 years ago
Changelog * Now deploys as an Android App Bundle, for about 40% smaller downloads!
* Increased time (during installation) to enable Accessibility permission
* Optimized VPN to make it more efficient
* Improved app data security
* Improved reliability of ScreenAccountability™ image uploading
* Major upgrades to native code!
* Squashed several other minor bugs