

Class 6 CBSE NCERT All Subject

Class 6 CBSE NCERT All Subject version history

‹ General Info
Version 2.3.6_class6
Updated 5 years ago
Version 2.0.1_class6
Updated 6 years ago
Changelog -Engineers are telling me about a lot of bugs killed & improvements made in a complex language which I have forgotten by now as I was daydreaming about dinner
-I can definitely say you would see another phase of our revamped design
-NOW, You can raise 'demands' & even upload your notes for friends & teachers to improve their courses
-The engineer hasn't slept in 7 nights for major changes for efficiency & SPEED which could lead to major bugs, so tell us if you find them, he doesn't sleep anyhow
Version 1.1.2_class6
Updated 6 years ago
Changelog -Engineers are telling me about a lot of bugs killed & improvements made in a complex language which I have forgotten by now as I was daydreaming about dinner
-I can definitely say you would see another phase of our revamped design
-NOW, You can raise 'demands' & even upload your notes for friends & teachers to improve their courses
-The engineer hasn't slept in 7 nights for major changes for efficiency & SPEED which could lead to major bugs, so tell us if you find them, he doesn't sleep anyhow
Version 1.0.8_class6
Updated 6 years ago
Changelog Why are we back with an update:
-Who is kicking ass, You or your friend? You can find out now on the newly added 'COMPARISON' tab (profile screen)
-After all your requests, you can now UPLOAD your own notes from the app
-All those BUGS from the planet 'IDK! What Happened?' were successfully defeated!
-Which is the section with maximum bugs fixed?
The Quiz Section!
-We fixed PayTM portal bug since no one uses cash now!?
-As with every update, we made things faster again, esp. the course page
Version 1.0.6_class6
Updated 6 years ago
Changelog *Improved personal chat
*Improved notifications with badges
*Option to pay via PayTM added
*Perfectly displayed math equations
*Minor UI improvements and animations
*Lots of under the hood bug fixes
Version 1.0.5_class6
Updated 6 years ago
Changelog *New Feed algorithm
*Option to report Questions and Answers
*Check the length of video and doc even before opening it
*Visible changes
*Improvements for reliability and speed
*Many under the hood changes for your fun
*Get best offers for each course now
*and of course we killed a lot of bugs, did a lot of fixes for your seamless experience!
Version 1.0.4_class6
Updated 6 years ago
Changelog *Critical Bug Fixes
*Design of Courses Changed
*Faster loading of multiple screens with errors resolved
Version 1.0.3_class6
Updated 6 years ago
Version 1.0.2_class6
Updated 6 years ago
Changelog *Completely New Design

*100s of small improvements and bug fixes!

*Completely New Testing Interface
Version 1.0.0_class6
Updated 7 years ago