

Bunch: HouseParty with Games

Bunch: HouseParty with Games version history

‹ General Info
Version 5.2.3
Updated 4 years ago
Changelog ◉ Launching different games will place the video overlay in optimized places.
◉ We have significantly reduced the app size! Now your friends can jump into the parties faster!
◉ Bunch of awesome UI and navigation improvements so the right information can pop up at the right time
Version 5.2.2
Updated 4 years ago
Changelog ◉ Fixed some bugs that’s preventing users from logging in.
◉ Improved performances and UI issues in the profile and settings screen.
Version 5.2.1
Updated 4 years ago
Changelog ◉ You can now continue the video chat experience outside of Bunch! Enable Overlay in the settings to try out this awesome new feature!
Version 5.2.0
Updated 4 years ago
Changelog ◉ You can now continue the video chat experience outside of Bunch! Enable Overlay in the settings to try out this awesome new feature!
Version 5.1.4
Updated 4 years ago
Changelog Fixed a critical crash bug.
Version 5.1.3
Updated 4 years ago
Changelog ◉ Brand new scoring system for Trivia, you never know who will win until the last question!
◉ Improve the experience for Draw! Each player has a unique color and icon for drawing now.
◉ Farewell to a few stinky bugs, we are going into 2020 without them :)
Version 5.1.2
Updated 4 years ago
Changelog ◉ Added ability to share Bunch on Instagram and Snapchat stories!
◉ Added a new survey for you to give us feedback and keep on making Bunch awesome!
◉ Fixed a bunch of bugs before the holidays so we can all have a relaxing holiday break
Version 5.1.1
Updated 4 years ago
Changelog ◉ Now you can Show off your masterpieces with your friends! We added sharing features on Draw!
◉ Added a bunch more games to our catalog: Clash of Clans, Frag Pro Shooter, Scrabble Go!, Golf Battle, and Badland Brawl
◉ Fixed a major bug in Trivia, answers were sometimes not being registered correctly. Improved score-screen design too! Now resettle the score with your friends!
◉ Improved the SMS authentication flow
Version 5.1.0 (2 variants)
Updated 4 years ago
Version 5.0.2
Updated 4 years ago
Changelog ◉ Added Snapchat login support, so bring your snapchat friends over to Bunch!
◉ Expanded search to include your friends' first and last names, so you can find them more easily!
◉ Added a fresh landing video to welcome your friends, they will have FOMO after they watch it!
◉ Fixed a bunch of bugs that might have been very naughty, especially the one that's causing a crash when you try to report them.