

BlueWallet Bitcoin Wallet

BlueWallet Bitcoin Wallet version history

‹ General Info
Version 5.5.2
Updated 3 years ago
Changelog * ADD: push notifications
* ADD: lnurl-pay support
* ADD: HodlHodl logout button
* ADD: Keychain clear if password is lost
* ADD: screen/wallets/details transactions count
* FIX: crashes after importing malformed xpub as watch-only
* FIX: Restore Change unit on balance tap
* FIX: When doing max amount, some scenarios would return invalid amount
* FIX: missing text on sendMAX dialog box confirmation
* FIX: Invoice creation darkmode
* FIX: Font-Color in Input Field "transaction notes"
Version 5.5.1
Updated 3 years ago
Changelog * ADD: Dark Mode
* FIX: #1309 Sharing doesnt include text
* FIX: import mnemonic w/typo, 'try again' does nothing (closes #1286)
* ADD: support importing watch-only in bitcoincore format [fingerprint/derivation]xpub (wallet descriptors)
* REF: dont store txhex in transactions list
* REF: wrap save storage in try-catch
Version 5.5.0
Updated 3 years ago
Changelog * FIX: provide entropy for D20
* REF: speeded up transactions list
Version 5.4.4
Updated 3 years ago
Changelog - ADD: Cobo Vault hardware wallet (Animated QR)
- ADD: Entropy via dice rolls and coin flip
- ADD: Exclude wallet transactions
- ADD: Detect language automatically
- ADD: Launch screen dark mode
- FIX: Scan QR w/ amount
- FIX: Fetching huge txs from Electrum
- FIX: lnurl withdrawal when local currency
- FIX: Local trader - Bring user directly to login screen
- FIX: Local trader - Refetch it so there's no outdated errors
- FIX: Local trader - reverse sort order
- REF: speeded up BIP44 HD wallets
Version 5.4.3
Updated 4 years ago
Changelog * ADD: Login to Local Trader with HodlHodl
* ADD: See full listing screen
* ADD: See your contracts/offers
* ADD: Accept offer (buy Bitcoin)
* ADD: Label on-chain transaction note to self
* ADD: ILS Fiat
* REF: Improved electrum server connectivity
* FIX: deeplinking for cold boot
* FIX: lnurl withdrawal when default unit is not sat
* FIX: StatusBar wasn't visible when modals opened
* FIX: Euro symbol for iOS Today extension
* DEL: support for BIP70
Version 5.4.1
Updated 4 years ago
Changelog * ADD: fiat input for receive & send
* ADD: Fee details to lighting invoice
* FIX: Watch-only Wallets were not being synced to Watch app
* FIX: Following onchain+offchain invoice
* FIX: Reorder wallets not working
* FIX: Extend pull to close gesture area to full modal height
* FIX: Don't allow navigating backwards on backup screens
* FIX: Round fiat currencies
Version 5.4.0
Updated 4 years ago
Changelog * FIX: Set the first launch flag (issue with disappearing wallets)
* ADD: Catalan translation
* ADD: Slovak translation
* ADD: custom success animation to onchain transactions
* FIX: improved startup time
* FIX: Seed index number
* FIX: scan button style for RU language
* REF: Navigation updated
Version 5.3.9
Updated 4 years ago
Changelog * ADD: camera on main screen
* ADD: Shortcuts on Scan button long press
* ADD: redeem vouchers
* FIX: potential HD wallet crash when vout was not parsed correctly
* FIX: for legacy-wallet fetch Transactions to not crash when vout for transaction is missing addresses
* FIX: Bigger touch area on settings button
* FIX: Change Delete wallet color button
* FIX: Change status bar color
* FIX: Add chevrons on Settings and add wallets screens
* FIX: Wallet Animation for press out
Version 5.3.7
Updated 4 years ago
Changelog ADD: Storage delete/not-delete for unencrypted storage
ADD: Electrum seed recovery for Segwit as well (not just legacy)
ADD: Support for deeplinks
ADD: Missing localizations
FIX: Fee suggestion selection
FIX: Electrum seed recovery bug
FIX: Allow RBF/CPFP view to be scrolled on small devices
FIX: Biometrics switch value
REF: Prevent possible crash on LN view invoice screen
Version 5.3.5
Updated 4 years ago
Changelog * ADD: Support for Electrum Seed format, legacy BIP32
* ADD: Refill lightning wallet with bank card
* ADD: Local Trader CTA to main view
* ADD: Broadcast tx hex screen
* FIX: Hide toolbar when keyboard is dismissed
* FIX: Import toolbar touch
* REF: Send functionality for all wallet types (includes BRD wallet).
* REF: All wallet types can now sendMAX
* REF: Move the sell fiat button to the list header
* REF: Move onchain marketplace to wallet details
* REF: Cleaner wallet panel at blank state