

AWeber Email Stats on the Go

AWeber Email Stats on the Go version history

‹ General Info
Version 2.3.02-616
Updated 6 years ago
Changelog - Newly redesigned Broadcast Details screen helps you understand the impact of your message with ease.
- Bug fixes and other enhancements.
Version 1.1.0-44
Updated 8 years ago
Version 2.3.0-552
Updated 6 years ago
Changelog New in 2.3.0
* Newly redesigned pages across the app provide a simple experience helping you to keep track of how your account is performing.
* View list performance at a glance on the Dashboard. Then drill down for more detailed metrics related to your subscribers and sent messages.
* Verify what broadcasts are scheduled to be sent and then tap the message for a preview of its contents.
* Bug fixes and other enhancements.
Version 2.2.4-13
Updated 6 years ago
Changelog * A redesigned Subscribers page provides a clean overview of the subscribers on your list.
* Changes to your list are highlighted by displaying the change in number of subscribers since yesterday.
* Tap for more details about each subscriber to see where they joined your list and engagement with broadcast messages received.
* Bug fixes and other enhancements.
Version 2.2.3-394
Updated 7 years ago
Changelog * A redesigned Subscribers page provides a clean overview of the subscribers on your list.
* Changes to your list are highlighted by displaying the change in number of subscribers since yesterday.
* Tap for more details about each subscriber to see where they joined your list and engagement with broadcast messages received.
* Bug fixes and other enhancements.
Version 2.1.0-227
Updated 7 years ago
Changelog * In just one tap, see the key metrics of your broadcasts' performance.

* A redesigned page provides at-a-glance a more complete view of each broadcast. Metrics include how many subscribers received the broadcast, open rate, click rate, complaint rate, and number of unsubscribes attributed to the message.

* Expanded metrics make it easier for you to surface trends when scrolling through your most recent broadcasts.

* Includes linked resources and fun art elements to help you get started.