

Asana Rebel: Get in Shape

Asana Rebel: Get in Shape version history

‹ General Info
Updated 5 years ago
Changelog See fast results with Yoga Inspired Fitness: GET IN SHAPE, STRENGTH, FLEXIBILITY, BALANCE AND RELAXATION.

Fresh From Los Angeles: Experience 60 new workouts
New Collections: Build healthy routines
Filter Selection: Find workouts based on your goals
Past Workouts: All workouts from the older version are available in settings
Updated 10 months ago
Changelog Just like all Rebels, we’re working hard to become the best version of ourselves. That’s why we keep improving performance, correcting bugs, and updating the app with our latest collections.
This latest release includes new health tracking features, enabling you to track water intake and steps via Google Fit
Updated 10 months ago
Changelog Just like all Rebels, we’re working hard to become the best version of ourselves. That’s why we keep improving performance, correcting bugs, and updating the app with our latest collections.
This latest release includes new health tracking features, enabling you to track water intake and steps via Google Fit
Updated 1 year ago
Changelog Just like all Rebels, we’re working hard to become the best version of ourselves. That’s why we keep improving performance, correcting bugs, and updating the app with our latest collections.
This latest release includes new health tracking features, enabling you to track water intake and steps via Google Fit
Updated 5 years ago
Changelog See fast results with Yoga Inspired Fitness: GET IN SHAPE, STRENGTH, FLEXIBILITY, BALANCE AND RELAXATION.

Fresh From Los Angeles: Experience 60 new workouts
New Collections: Build healthy routines
Filter Selection: Find workouts based on your goals
Past Workouts: All workouts from the older version are available in settings
Updated 1 year ago
Changelog Just like all Rebels, we’re working hard to become the best version of ourselves. That’s why we keep improving performance, correcting bugs, and updating the app with our latest collections.
Updated 1 year ago
Changelog Just like all Rebels, we’re working hard to become the best version of ourselves. That’s why we keep improving performance, correcting bugs, and updating the app with our latest collections.
Updated 1 year ago
Changelog Just like all Rebels, we’re working hard to become the best version of ourselves. That’s why we keep improving performance, correcting bugs, and updating the app with our latest collections.
Updated 1 year ago
Changelog Just like all Rebels, we’re working hard to become the best version of ourselves. That’s why we keep improving performance, correcting bugs, and updating the app with our latest collections.
Updated 1 year ago
Changelog We have some exciting bold new feature updates to help you on your fitness journey!
Today tab:
You’ll see some big changes to simplify the UI and offer a fresh new experience. We have also moved away from the daily plan, highlighting instead the most relevant content for the current time of day and your personal recommendations.

Weekly Goal:
This is our most exciting new feature yet! It will enable you to set a weekly workout goal, allowing you to track and reach your fitness goals more easily.