

Fishing forecast

Fishing forecast version history

‹ General Info
Version 2.1
Updated 7 years ago
Changelog [2.1]
- Добавлен лунный календарь
- Добавлена RSS лента с новостями о рыбалке и охоте (пока новости только по России, предложения хороших rss рассылок по Украине, Белоруссии и др. странам можете скидывать на эл. почту)
- Добавлен прогноз клева на усача
- Разделы меню "Описание рыбы", "Виды катушек", "Все о леске", "Виды поплавков" и "Рыбацкие узлы" стали подменю раздела "Витература"
- Исправлено перекрытие названия региона и времени при длинном наименовании города
Version 1.14
Updated 7 years ago
Changelog [1.14]
- Добавлена опция в раздел "Сводка клева", которая позволяет изменять список рыб для прогноза в выпадающем меню на главном экране
- Добавлен прогноз для 2ух видов рыб (подуст и ленок)
- Пропускная способность сервера увеличена на 30%
- Увеличена максимально доступная память ОР- У для программы

- Исправлено перекрытие баннера сэлементами
- Высота туллбара теперь корректно соответствует размеру экрана
- Исправлена ошибка с размещением рисунков в разделе о леске
Version 8.0.3
Updated 1 month ago
Changelog [8.0.3]
- Now when entering the coordinates of a placemark, a keyboard with only numbers opens
- 3 weather service has been transferred to a new data exchange format - loading speed and stability have been increased
- Minor optimization of the speed of all sections of the program
- Technical updates to the program code
Version 8.0.2 (3 variants)
Updated 6 months ago
Changelog [8.0.2]
- Increased stability and faster application launch during cold starts
- Update of used technical libraries
Version 8.0.1 (3 variants)
Updated 8 months ago
Changelog [8.0.1]
- Restored work 3 weather service

- Updates to the main window of the program: the readability of the text has been slightly improved, a couple of unnecessary graphic elements have been removed, some icons have been simplified, the default background has become darker and more monotonous.
- Literature section updates: text contrast setting added, section heading navigation option added
... ...
Version 8.0 (4 variants)
Updated 9 months ago
Changelog [8.0]
- Updates to the main window of the program: the readability of the text has been slightly improved, a couple of unnecessary graphic elements have been removed, some icons have been simplified, the default background has become darker and more monotonous.
- Literature section updates: text contrast setting added, section heading navigation option added
- Minor correction of taking into account the time of day in the calculation of biting for several marine fish...
... ...
Version 7.34.1 (3 variants)
Updated 1 year ago
Changelog [7.34.1]
- Fixed bug with elements overlapping from below for some devices
- Updated system libraries and technical updates
Version 7.34 (4 variants)
Updated 1 year ago
Changelog [7.34]
- Now for android 12+, when saving data to a file, permissions are not required to access files and folders, all data is saved in the public documents folder
- Replaced the third non-working news site in the RSS feed and slightly accelerated the work of the section
- Updated system libraries, minor stability and performance improvements
- Fixed a bug that caused a crash when trying to download data from the cloud if the site is temporarily unavailable
Version 7.33 (3 variants)
Updated 1 year ago
Changelog [7.33]
- Added option to auto-switch host ip when loading for a long time in requests for location, weather and server.
This improves stability during ip blocking, as well as data loading with a slow Internet connection in some cases.
- Fixed a couple of rare bugs on some devices leading to crashes
- Fixes for translation errors and data in offline location database
- Technical updates
Version 7.32 (4 variants)
Updated 1 year ago
Changelog [7.32]
- The maximum number of locations in the favorite list has been increased from 3 to 5
- Improvements and corrections in the display of the main application window on devices with screen ratios of 18:9, 20:9, 21:9, (21+):9
- Weather service throughput increased by 40%
- Now the "delete" button correctly clears the typed location name
- Technical improvements
- Offline location database replenishment and fixes